With its own name. September 2015
This section highlights the most relevant academic activities carried out by the professors of Schools during the month.
School of Theology
Professor Felix Maria Arocena gave the lecture "Great masters of liturgical prayer" at the XL conference of the association Spanish Association of Liturgy Professors (AEPL), which this year had as degree scroll "Liturgical prayer". Professor Alfonso Berlanga also attended the meeting . Cuenca, August 25-27.
Professors Santiago Ausín, Juan Chapa, Pablo Edo and Fernando Milán participated in the congress of the Iberian Biblical Associations. Tarragona, September 1-3.
The director of the ISCR-University of Navarra, José Manuel Fidalgo, participated in the congress "Thinking and knowing God in the XXI century" and presented the communication "God and modernity in Guardini". Pontifical University of Salamanca. September 24-26.
Professor Isabel León spoke on "Beauty on the Way to God" at the XII Course of update of the ISCR-University of Navarra, August 26.
Juan Luis Lorda, professor of Theology and Anthropology, participated in the III Theology Symposium "God offers salvation to all: the Church and the world" with the discussion paper "John Paul II in the history of the Constitution Gaudium et spes: what the Church has to say to the world". University of Los Andes. Chile, August 27 and 28.
Professor Pablo Marti spoke on "Communicating the family today" at the XII Course of update of the ISCR-University of Navarra, August 28.
Professor José María Pardo gave the lecture lecture "Il feto come paziente" at the Corso di Aggiornamento in Bioetica, Questini di inizio vita. Università della Santa Croce, Rome, September 22-25.
The teacher Augusto Sarmiento was invited by the Subcommission on the Family and Life of the Spanish Episcopal lecture to participate in the VIII World Meeting of Families, September 22-27. Philadelphia (USA).
Professor Javier Sesé spoke on"What St. Teresa says to the Christians of the XXI century", in the XII Course of update of the ISCR-University of Navarra, August 27.
Professor Santiago Ausín spoke on "To understand and prepare for an extraordinary jubilee: the year of mercy (8.12.2015-20.11.2016)" at the XII Course of update of the ISCR-University of Navarra, August 26.
School of Canon Law
Professor José Antonio Fuentes was in Quito (Ecuador) summoned by the Ecclesiastical Court of Appeal, where he gave several conferences; one of them dealt with the Motu Proprio "Mitis Iudex" about the processes of declaration of nullity.
Professor Jorge Otaduy pronounced the lecture "La teaching religiosa escolar en la LOMCE", in the XII Course of update of the ISCR-University of Navarra, August 27.
Professor Carlos Soler gave two sessions at a conference for religion teachers of Education Primary of Fomento de Centros de teaching, Madrid, September 23 and 24.
School Ecclesiastical Philosophy
Professor José Ángel García Cuadrado pronounced the lecture: "Martín Lutero y la génesis del humanismo ateo", in the I workshop for professors of Philosophy of Schools of programs of study Eclesiastics. Professors Enrique Moros and Sergio Sánchez Migallón also participated in the workshop . San Dámaso Ecclesiastical University, September 7, 2015.
The teacher Rubén Herce participated in the congress "Thinking and Knowing God in the 21st Century" and presented the paper "Evolution and Creation: What can the auxiliis controversy contribute to understand their relationship?". Also present at the congress was Prof. Manuel Cruz. Pontifical University of Salamanca. From September 24 to 26.
Professor Jorge Martín Montoya was a visitor at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, as Guest Assistant Research Professor at the Jacques Maritain Center. The stay was from July to September.
Participated in The 13th International Conference on Persons. Presented article: 'Love, Identification and Equality. Rational Problems in Harry Frankfurt's Concept of Person' Boston University, August 3-7.
Professor José Ignacio Murillo participated in the IV colloquium Interuniversity of Science and Religion with the discussion paper 'Naturalism, Realism and Anti-Realism in Science and Religion'. National University. Argentina, September 16-18
Professor Javier Sánchez Cañizares spoke on "Multiverses and the mind as a state of the subject: new arguments of "scientific" atheism", in the XII Course of update of the ISCR-University of Navarra, August 27.
Professor María Jesús Soto Bruna gave the plenary lecture lecture : "Interrelation of unity, plurality and the good in 12th century metaphysics: Dominicus Gundissalinus"; within the International congress : "Rationality, Unity and Plurality in medieval and Renaissance thought", co-organized by the Universidad Católica Argentina, the Universidad de Los Andes and high school of programs of study Medieval of the Universidad de Navarra. Argentina, August 10-12.
In addition, she has been invited to be part of the Scientific committee of the International colloquium : "Boèce au fil du temps: La réception de son oeuvre et son influence sur les lettres européennes du Moyen Âge à nos jours", to be held at the University of Reims during June 1, 2 and 3, 2016.