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New delegate and subdelegate of the School of Education and Psychology

They are: Leyre Berisa, 3rd year student of Education and Jordi Francesch, 1st year student of Pedagogy student .

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PHOTO: Íñigo García
28/09/17 08:45 Iñigo García

Since September 25 the School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra has a new delegate and a new subdelegate. They are Leyre Berisa Grande, a student of 3rd year of Education Infantand Jordi Francesch Oliva, a student of 1st year of Pedagogy. In the following interview, we asked them about their projects as representatives of the students of the School.

How do you approach your role as delegate and subdelegate?    

Leyre Berisa: As an enormous, enriching responsibility... a challenge, at final. The most important role we play is that of communication, of making known what we do at School and keeping it united and alive.

Jordi Francesch: In my case I take my first year of position as subdelegate with a lot of desire to help in everything I can, I want to bring dedication and desire to work and help the delegate. It will be very important to know how to organize and cooperate with the delegates of the different courses. I also see the position as an opportunity to learn many things about the university, everything that makes reference letter and meet talented people outside my course, where there is also talent.

What would you like to do within School? 

L.B.: Mainly to contribute in making the School more and more "pineapple"; that other Schools recognize us for the amount of projects and the union and communication that there is among all of us who are part of it. I know that there are many colleagues in all the courses who have a thousand interesting ideas and initiatives for the School, I would love to help them to propose them without fear and to carry them out, if possible.

J.F.: Encourage the participation and ideas that the different students of the School may have. As subdelegate I think it is important to know how to listen to them and give their ideas a chance.

How would you like the relationship with the rest of the delegates of the other Schools and schools to be?

L.B.: At the end of the day, we are all part of the same "family" that is the University. I think it is very important for all of us at Schools to be in continuous contact with each other at contact to communicate good news, bad news, advice, warnings... In addition, I think it would be interesting to organize joint events that enrich and take us out of our own field.

J.F.: I believe that a close and respectful relationship with the rest of the delegates of the other Schools is essential for a good operation, and although I do not doubt that we have a good relationship, I hope that we all do our part so that we can achieve it.



