Three alumni of the Schools Ecclesiastics are ordained to the priesthood and nine students to the diaconate.
In both celebrations, Bishop Fernando Ocáriz, Chancellor of the University, participated from the presbytery.

The Bishop of Cuenca, Mon. José Mª Yanguas, conferred priestly ordination to three alumni of the Ecclesiastical Schools last September 2 in Torreciudad: Gabriel Robledillo (TEO 03, PhD 05), Francisco Javier Pérez León (TEO16, PhD 18) and Emanuel de Jesús Estrada (Bach. TEO 15, TEO 17, MMF 10).
In addition, nine students were ordained deacons on November 3 in the Basilica of St. Eugene in Rome along with 25 other faithful. Archbishop Celso Morga, Archbishop of Merida-Badajoz, was the ordaining bishop. The new deacons are: Oscar Garza, Jorge Iriarte, Cristhian Alcides, Eduardo Andrés Marín, Luis Mª Martínez, Bernardo José Montes, Bernard Kagunda, César Augusto Risco and Rafael de Freitas.
The prelate of Opus Dei and Chancellor of the University, Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz, participated in both celebrations from the presbytery.
Nine students of the Schools Ecclesiastical receive diaconate ordination in the Basilica of St. Eugene in Rome. PHOTO: