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Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (November 2019)

Researchers and collaborators participated in activities in Colombia, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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28/11/19 15:43 Natalia Rouzaut

Emotional culture and identity
Javier SerranoJavier Serrano
participated in the roundtable of the 'colloquium I and II of the doctoral program in Psychology' of the Catholic University of Colombia with the communication 'Repertorios mediáticos y tendencias en el consumo de noticias', (29/11/2019, Bogotá, Colombia).


Public discourse
Eleonora EspositoEleonora Esposito
presented the lecture 'Online MisogynyWomen in Politics: Theory and Methodsfor a Discursive Critique' at the seminar of the group of research Gender and Politics (GEYPO) of the Complutense University of Madrid, (12/11/2019, Madrid).

Sarali GintsburgSarali Gintsburg gave the paper 'Created in Performance or Created for Performance? Case Study of Transitional Poetry of the Jbala (Northern Morocco)' at the workshop of programs of study of the Institute of research and programs of study on the Arab and Muslim World of the University of Aix-Marseille (14/11/2019, Marseille, France).

Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
JJokin de IralaCristina López del Burgookin de Irala y Cristina López del Burgo attended the I International Naprotechnology congress held at the University Francisco de Vitoria. There they presented the papers 'Science, at the service of life while respecting the purposes of Medicine and human reproduction' and 'New challenges posed by naprotechnology for scientific research ', respectively. (8-9/11/2019, Madrid).

In addition, López del Burgo also gave the session 'Conjugal love. Cuestiones sobre sexualidad' in the cycle 'Aprender a quererse' of high school Montealto (7/11/2019, Madrid).

Martiño RodriguezMartiño Rodríguez held a scientific meeting with researchers from the University of Porto to strengthen the ties of partnership and seek future joint research projects, (11/11/2019, Porto, Portugal).


Silvia CarlosSilvia Carlos was invited by the Spanish Embassy in the Democratic Republic of Congo to talk about her project 'International health: prevention of HIV and sexually transmitted infections', which she is carrying out in Kinshasa, during the 'conference of research on HIV in Congo'. The researcher presented the main results of the 10-year trajectory of research of group in HIV prevention. The meeting also allowed to pool the work of the various groups and to raise common objectives in the fight against HIV, wanting to respond to the needs of the country, presented by the University Secretary of the National Multisectoral Plan to Combat AIDS, Liévin Kapend. (25/10/2019, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo).

group Mind-brain
José Ignacio MurilloJosé Ignacio Murillo
participated as speaker guest at the workshop on Polo of the Università della Santa Croce with 'Esistenza e coesistenza: persona e libertà nell' ordine transcendentale'. (12-14/11/2019, Rome, Italy).


Nathaniel BarrettNathaniel Barrett was invited to the meeting Annual American Academy for Religion where he presented the discussion paper 'Charles S. Peirce Society Theme: Author Meets Commentators: Robert Cummings Neville's Metaphysics of Goodness' (23-26/11/2019, San Diego, USA).

Javier BernácerJavier Bernácer delivered the communication 'Neuroimaging, decision making and Aristotle: a different approach to the study of habit' at the School of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Madrid, (29/11/2019, Madrid).

Sonsoles NavarroSonsoles Navarro Rubio attended the I congress International Naprotechnology Conference held at the University Francisco de Vitoria, (8-9/11/2019, Madrid).


ATLANTES Programme
Carlos CentenoCarlos Centeno
participated in the IX conference of Palliative Care of Castilla y León organized by the Society Spanish-Leonesa of Palliative Care and the Institute of programs of study of Health Sciences of Castilla y León with 'Resolving in the day to day difficult pain problems', (15-16/11/2019, Soria).

María ArantzamendiMaría Arantzamendi gave the lecture 'The SROI method and its impact on the assessment-intangible values' during the conference 'Social Return on Investment: Impact on the assessment of health and management of health services' of the University of Santander (21/11/2019, Santander).



