Nuria Díaz Abad, board member of the CGPJ: "The alleged distribution of members among the political groups has a negative influence on the citizens' perception of justice".
At the University, the State Attorney has stressed the need to reform the system and that judges should be the ones to elect the members of committee General of the Judiciary.
PhotoManuelCastells/Nuria Díaz Abad, board member of the CGPJ, with the dean of the University of Navarra's Law School School , Mercedes Galán.
29 | 03 | 2023
Nuria Díaz Abad, State Lawyer and board member of committee General of the Judiciary (CGPJ), has analyzed at the University of Navarra the current status of the highest governing body of justice in Spain, in office for 4 years. In an event organized by the School of Law, Nuria Diaz has advocated for reforming the election system and that the judges themselves are responsible for appointing the members of the committee.
In this sense, he has assured that the CGPJ has denounced its lack of renewal in deadline on several occasions: "The alleged distribution of members among the political groups that is reflected every day in the press has a negative influence on the perception that citizens have of justice". However, he added, "the fact that the members of judicial extraction are elected by the judges themselves would contribute, in my opinion, greatly to alleviate this negative perception for committee and for the rule of law".
Nuria Díaz pointed out the risk of replacing the fight between parliamentary groups with the fight between judicial associations, "but it will have to be the judges themselves who must ensure that the composition of committee is plural and that it is taken into account that half of the Judicial degree program does not belong to association ".
The board member of the CGPJ was accompanied by the dean of the School of Law, Mercedes Galán, who presided over the academic event that took place at the classroom Magna del Central Building of the University. Among other authorities, the event was attended by the Minister of Migration Policy and Justice of the Government of Navarra, Eduardo Santos; the President of the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra, Joaquín Galve; the Chief Prosecutor of the TSJN, José Antonio Sánchez; the Dean of the high school of Notaries of Pamplona, Alfredo Aldaba; the President of the committee of Navarra, Alfredo Irujo; Enrique Azparren, Chief State Attorney; and the Associate Dean of the high school of Lawyers of Pamplona, Javier Urrutia, among others.
Adopt ethical principles
During her intervention, Nuria Díaz analyzed how this status has been reached at committee; the latest reforms that have been carried out and which, in her opinion, have curtailed the powers of the CGPJ as set out in the Constitution; and the possible solutions or reforms that can be applied. He also commented that the current state of the body "in functions" is generating problems for the proper functioning of the Supreme Court, the autonomous High Courts of Justice, such as that of Navarre, and the military jurisdiction.
In addition to changes in the appointment system, he has advocated the adoption of ethical principles for the performance of members. "The network European Councils of Justice is developing a report on this issue, based on the idea that the principles of judicial ethics, although they can bind the judicial members of the Councils of Justice, however, do not bind, in principle, those who do not come from the degree program Judicial (...) Thus the integrity, independence and impartiality of the members of the Councils would find a reference and would improve the confidence that citizens have in this institution," he concluded.
During the academic ceremony, submission presented the Extraordinary End of Year Awards degree program for the 2021-22 academic year, in recognition of the best records of the Degrees offered by the School. The winners in Law were Francisco Javier Moreno (1st award), Rudolf Becker (2nd) and Susana Verónica Suoheimo (3rd); and in International Office, Isabelle Beatriz León (1st award), Álvaro de Lecea (2nd) and Paula Suárez de Castro (3rd). For his part, Pablo Castillo received the extraordinary award from doctorate for the best thesis . The finalists of the Litis Simulatio, a mock trial competition, were also recognized, this time won by Martina Ducay, María Salgado, Iranzu Tellería and Juan Turiel.