Two students from Navarra in the final of the First Spanish Philosophy Olympiad
The foral phase was held in March at the University of Navarra.
On April 25 and 26, the final of the First Philosophical Olympiad of Spain was held in Salamanca, bringing together students from all the regional philosophical olympiads held in our country. Forty young people have participated in the three modalities of the Olympiad: moral dilemmas (students of 4th year of E.S.O), moral dilemmas (students of 4th year of E.S.O), moral dilemmas (students of 4th year of E.S.O), dissertation (students from high school diploma) and philosophical photography (students of 4th year of E.S.O and of high school diploma). This is a pioneering activity, as to date there have been individual initiatives in various autonomous communities without yet having a statewide final.
Ana Holmes, from high school Ntra. Sra. del Huerto, and Marina Almagro, from IES place de la Cruz, winners of the category of dissertation and philosophical photography respectively in this year's Olympiad of Philosophy of Navarra held at the University of Navarra, have attended this first edition of the Philosophical Olympiad of Spain. Neither of the two students from Navarra obtained award in the final in Salamanca. The winners were:
Moral dilemmascategory : first award, Miguel Ángel García Herrera (Canary Islands); second award, Sara Manso Pérez (Canary Islands); third award, Álvaro Villayandre Duport (Castilla y León).
Philosophical photography category: first award, Juan Francisco Piñera Ovejero (Asturias); second award, Óscar Martín Mesonero (Castilla y León); third award, Marina Castellanos Nicolás (Madrid).
Category of dissertation: first award, Paloma Saura Pérez (Murcia); second award, Mª Mercedes Millán de Meer (Madrid); third award, Ana Isabel Avilés Alía (Extremadura).
At the end of the Olympiad, both the students attending, as well as their teachers and relatives, pointed out that it had been a very good experience, not only for its character educational and cultural, but also for having put in contact students and teachers who have been able to share for a couple of days their philosophical and educational concerns.