Fifty benefactors of the Centro Académico Romano Fundación (CARF) visit the University and the seminar International Bidasoa
In 2016, the Foundation allocated more than 800,000 euros to scholarships for students of the Schools Ecclesiastics

Half a hundred benefactors of the Roman Academic Center Foundation visited on Friday, May 26, the University of Navarra and the International Ecclesiastical high school Bidasoa to meet those seminarians and priests to whom they provide economic financial aid for fill in its training. Throughout 2016 the CARF Foundation Foundation allocated more than 600,000 Euros to the Schools Ecclesiastical of the University of Navarra, and a further 200,000 euros to the CEI Bidasoa and colleges where priests and seminarians reside.
"Visiting Pamplona means living and showing in first person our affection for the priests and seminarians who are being formed here, getting to know their educators and the facilities available to carry out this magnificent work. It commits us to think that behind every priestly vocation, there is another call from the Lord to each one of us, Christians, asking for the effort staff, which assures the means for its training", affirms Edgardo Calvente, director of Promotion and development in CARF Centro Académico Romano Fundación.
In their visit to the University of Navarra, the benefactors participated in a session with the Associate Dean of the School of Theology, César Izquierdo, and learned the testimonies of two priests and a student seminarian, who have benefited from the financial aid that CARF provides. "Everything that the CARF Foundation sows will multiply into something that cannot be reflected on paper," assured Professor Izquierdo. Who further encouraged the benefactors to participate on October 6, 2017 to take part in the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the School of Theology.
During its visit to high school Bidasoa International Ecclesiastical , the CARF Foundation made submission of the cases with vestments and sacred vessels to the fifteen students who finish their programs of study, some of them were ordained as deacons on February 25, l and who in the next few days will return to their countries of origin. In this way they will be able to celebrate Mass wherever they go.
The CARF Foundation was born under the impulse of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo. It has more than 10,000 benefactors, who contribute with their financial contributions to the training of priests and seminarians around the world. Edgardo Calvente assures that in order to spread the foundation of Christian values, the Church needs well-prepared priests of great piety and pastoral spirit: "Pope Francis in his speech to the leaders of the European Union on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome affirmed that 'without the Christian foundation, the values of dignity, freedom and justice are incomprehensible'.