150 benefactors of the Centro Académico Romano Fundación (CARF) visit the University of Navarra and the Bidasoa International Ecclesiastical high school
This academic year have allocated 970,000 euros to scholarships for students of the Ecclesiastical Schools

150 benefactors of the Roman Academic Center Foundation (CARF) have been quotation in the campus of Pamplona of the University of Navarra, with the goal to know the material headquarters in which the priests and seminarians are formed thanks to its economic financial aid , and to greet some of them personally. This year, the Foundation has allocated 970,000 euros in aid so that many students could be formed in the Ecclesiastical Schools .
At their visit, they had a meeting with Professor Juan Chapa, Dean of the School of Theology, who described the work carried out by the School and thanked them for the financial aid they provide to students of scarce resources, coming from 44 countries of America, Asia, Africa and Europe -in the Schools Ecclesiastical University, international students represent 75%-. Afterwards, they visited the Shrine of Our Lady of Fair Love of the campus dedicated to the Mother of Fair Love, and then moved to seminar Bidasoa International, where they were able to share some activities with professors and residents.
In addition, the Foundation made submission of twenty-two suitcases with vestments so that the students who have received the diaconate ordination and are now returning to their countries can celebrate the Holy Mass, since they do not always have the adequate means to do so. It has been the benefactors themselves who, through their Social Action activities, have made the albs and have made themselves position of the vestments.
The CARF Foundation was born in 1989 under the impulse of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, so that priests and seminarians from all over the world receive a solid theological, human and spiritual preparation in the Ecclesiastical Schools of the University of Navarra and the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome). Each year, 10,000 benefactors make this possible. In its almost 30 years of history, nearly 16,000 students from 128 countries have benefited from its training grants.