Schools Ecclesiastical: with proper name. July-August 2014
This section highlights the most relevant academic activities carried out by the professors of Schools during the month.
The teacher Carmen Alejos gave the lectures "The Church in the last 50 years of history" and "The relations of the Church with society and the world" in the Summer Course of the University of Burgos "The last popes of the Church (from John XXIII to Pope Francis)". Burgos, July 2014.
"La Iglesia Nacional Mexicana", in the International colloquium : "Los 'arreglos' del Presidente Portes Gil con la jerarquía católica y el fin de la guerra cristera. Aspectos jurídicos e históricos" high school de Investigaciones Jurídicas, UNAM, Mexico. August 18-19.
"Alonso Núñez de Haro (1772-1779) and the Reception of the Fourth Mexican Council" in "Fourth Mexican Provincial Council (1771). Law, Politics and Society in New Spain." The high school of Mexico. August 27-28.
The book Morality of the Heart: Moral Theology in the Philippine Setting, by Eugene Elivera and José Alviarpublished by Paulines Publishing House, Pasay City 2013 was a finalist in the "Theology" category of the 2014 Jaime Cardinal Sin Catholic Book Awards.
Professors Félix María Arocena, Alfonso Berlanga and José Luis Gutiérrez participated in the XXXIX conference of the association Spanish Liturgy Professors. with the topic "Music and Liturgy". Montserat Monastery (Barcelona). From August 26th to 28th.
The teacher Pablo Blanco made a research stay in the Benedikt XVI. Institut of Regensburg, from August 8 to 14.
Delivered the lecture lecture "Habermas and Ratzinger, ten years of dialogue. La razón secular al meeting de la fe cristiana", at the Universidad de La Sabana. Bogotá, August 26.
He gave the lecture lecture "Álvaro del Portillo, a great university student", at the congress "Sanctity and Service", organized by the Universidad de La Sabana. Bogotá, August 28.
The teacher Juan Chapa participated in the 69th General Meeting of the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, in Szeged, Hungary. August 5-8.
Presented the discussion paper: "Listening to the Word: St. Josemaría, reader and interpreter of Scripture" at the II Symposium on Theology, "God goes out to man meeting : liturgy and revelation" Universidad de los Andes, Santiago de Chile. August 28-29.
The teacher Pablo Edo delivered the lecture lecture "The Gospels and the figure of Jesus in the scientific discussion " in the XI Course of update "Current Theological and Pedagogical Issues". high school Superior of Religious Sciences. University of Navarra, August 28.
The teacher Ramiro Pellitero presented the topic: "Vocation and mission statement of the family" in the international course of update theology for priests "The family before the challenge of the New Evangelization". lecture of the Mexican Episcopate in Cuautitlán Izcalli, State of Mexico. June 30 to July 4.
Participated in the VII Week of update Theological-Pastoral: "The challenges of the family in the context of the new evangelization", organized by the high school Theological-Pastoral of the Ecuadorian Episcopal lecture . Quito (Ecuador). From July 7 to 11.
International Course of update Theological for priests: "The challenge of the Christian family", organized by the cultural association CDSCO (Center of programs of study and Communication). School of Theology of Lima. Peru, July 14 and 15.
"The Role of Marriage and the Family in the New Evangelization", lecture , closing of the Symposium on the Family: "The Role of Marriage and the Family in the New Evangelization", held at the headquarters of the University of Piura. Lima, Peru, July 16.
The teacher Piotr Roszak participated in the Summer School dedicated to Analytical Theology. The thematic approach was 'Divine Action in the world'. School of Theology of Innsbruck (Austria). July 23 to August 6.
The teacher Javier Sánchez Cañizares, Secretary of the group of research Science, Reason and Faith (CRYF), participated in the congress 'Evolution and Historical Explanation: Contingency, Convergence and Teleology', organized by the Ian Ramsey Centre. St Anne's College. Oxford. July 16-18.
The teacher Tomás Trigo offered videoconference for journalists from Guatemala on the book "Working with good humor, at business and always", together with Salvatore Moccia (co-author of the book, together with Prof. Trigo). Organized by WWW Business Centre. August 12
The teacher Juan Ignacio Bañares pronounced the lecture "Synod on the family. Challenges and Perspectives" in the XI Course of update "Current Theological and Pedagogical Issues". high school Superior of Religious Sciences. University of Navarra, August 27.
The Visiting Professor Jean Pierre Schouppe received the award René Cassin (mention spéciale) for his second doctoral thesis in law defended at the University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, on the topic "La dimension institutionnelle de la liberté de religion dans la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de 'lhomme", which will be published in 2015. Strasbourg, July 7.
The teacher Antonio Viana participated as speaker in the XXIX conference of the association Chilena de Canon Law, held at seminar Mayor San Rafael de Lo Vásquez. Chile, from July 7 to 11.
He was also in the academic workshop organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Code of Canon Law, with the discussion paper: "The place of Canon Law in the University". Chile, July 9.
The teacher Santiago Collado delivered the lecture lecture "Original Sin: Dogma and Controversy" at the XI Course of update "Current Theological and Pedagogical Issues". high school Superior of Religious Sciences. University of Navarra, August 29.
The teacher Rubén Herce presented his book "De la física a la mente" at the Centro de programs of study en Ciencia y Religión (CECIR) of the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla. Mexico, August 27.
Directed the course on "The Origin of Man". Centro de programs of study en Ciencia y Religión (CECIR) of the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla. Mexico. August 25-29.
The teacher Enrique Moros delivered the opening address at lecture of a workshop on Philosophy of Religion: Alvin Plantinga: Religion, Naturalism and Sciencepromoted by the postgraduate program of Philosophy of the Federal University of Pelotas and developed jointly with the high school of Philosophy of the Universidade Catolica de Pelotas, in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. His intervention was entitled degree scroll "Plantinga's critique of naturalism: the defense of the dignity of the human being".
He intervened in the XI Course of update "Current Theological and Pedagogical Issues" with the lecture "The new atheisms". high school Superior of Religious Sciences. University of Navarra, August 29.
The teacher Jaime Nubiola He intervened in the XI Course of update "Current Theological and Pedagogical Issues" with the lecture "Intellectual life: thinking, reading, writing". high school Superior of Religious Sciences. University of Navarra, August 27.
The teacher Mª Jesús Soto Bruna organized the IX International conference of Iustitia et Iure. Figures of causality in the Age average and the Renaissance. Presented the discussion paper: "Medieval aspects of emanative cause and a modern reading: causality as dialectical deployment". Campus university of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. August 11-13.
He also participated in the Second International congress of the Philosophical Society of Uruguay with the lecture: "Domingo Gundisalvo: A purpose of unity". August 14-15.
Taught the seminar: "Causality, nature and creation in the 12th century". Activity developed in the framework of the project of research: "The first reception of Arabic thought in the Latin world. The case of the Liber de causis primis et secundis". University of Montevideo. Uruguay, August 19 and 20.