Schools Ecclesiastical: with its own name. September 2014
This section highlights the most relevant academic activities carried out by the professors of Schools during the month.
The teacher Antonio Aranda gave six lectures at the XXVII International Course of update in Theology, on the topic: "Christian Identity and Secularity in Today's World". He also participated with two interventions in the II International Symposium on Theology: "Holiness and Service. In report of four great pastors of the contemporary church". The themes of the interventions were: "At the service of the mission statement. The theological-canonical thought of Álvaro del Portillo", and "Álvaro del Portillo, in the school of holiness of St. Josemaría Escrivá". University of La Sabana. Bogotá, Colombia.
Professor Miguel Brugarolas collaborated in the organization of the XIII International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa. He gave the lecture lecture: 'The Incarnate Logos: Gregory of Nyssa's In Canticu canticorum Christological core'. Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. Rome, September 17-20
Professor Juan Luis Caballero gave the lecture: "La Sacred Scripture en los escritos de Mª de los Ángeles Sorazu" in the III workshop of conferences "Conocer a Madre Ángeles Sorazu". Diocesan Center of Spirituality. Valladolid, September 20. See video.
The Visiting Professor Leo Elders gave conferences on the topic "Faith and Reason" in the auditorium of the Archbishopric of Mexico City on September 5 and 6.
Professor Carlos Morán intervened in the Course of update in Theology and Pastoral Care of Marriage: "The challenges of marriage from truth and mercy" with the session: "The prevention of the risks of nullity". Pamplona, September 17.
Professor Francisco Varo pronounced the lecture "Mythical texts of the first civilizations" in the III Literary conference "Myth and Literature", organized by the Ateneo Navarro. Pamplona, September 23.
Professors José Bernal, Javier Otaduy and Antonio Viana attended and presented texts at the congress International de Canon Law, organized by the Consociatio Internationalis Studio Iuris Canonici Promovendo El topic has been the Criminal Law (Crime and Punishment). Professor Javier Otaduy led the seminar "The tension between 'favor communitatis' and 'favor delinquentis'. Historical and current episodes". Washington, September 17-21.
Professor Juan Ignacio Bañares intervened in the Course of update in Theology and Pastoral Care of Marriage: "The challenges of marriage from truth and mercy" with the session: "Marriage in the Church". Pamplona, September 16.
Professor Joaquín Sedano, at the framework of the Summer School "Il diritto canonico nella storia: studio e ricerca sulle fonti" organized by the Facoltà di diritto canonico San Pio X, in Venice, gave a theoretical session entitled "Strumenti informatici per lo studio delle fonti" and a session internship "La tradizione manoscritta dei canoni del I Concilio Lateranense". September 3. During the 2014-2015 academic year he will carry out a research stay in Germany. The months of September and October at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin; during November and December at the Klaus-Mörsdorf-Studium für Kanonistik of the School of Catholic Theology of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität of Munich and at the Leopold-Wenger-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte, in the same city. From January to June 2015 he will be as visiting professor at the Institut für Deutsche und Rheinische Rechtsgeschichte at the University of Bonn.
Professor José Ángel García Cuadrado 's work "El dominio racional de las pasiones: el tomismo antropológico de Domingo Báñez", has been published in La teoría filosófica de las pasiones y de las virtudes. De la Philosophy Antigua al Humanismo Escolástico Ibérico, (J. L. Fuertes, et alt., eds.), Textos&Estudos de Filosofia Medieval, 6, Edições Húmus, Porto, 2013, pp. 241-256.