Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities at other centers and universities (October 2021)
ICS researchers and collaborators participated online and in person in activities organized by institutions in Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Spain, the United States, Malaysia, Mexico, Portugal, the United Kingdom and Romania.
29 | 10 | 2021
ATLANTES Palliative Care
Carlos Centeno, María Arantzamendi, Alazne Belar and Rocío Rojí attended the EAPC 17th World Congress Online Programme organized by the European Palliative Care association where they presented one discussion paper each (5-8/10/2021, Vilvoorde, Belgium).
Carlos Centeno presented the new report of palliative care indicators commissioned by WHO. María Arantzamendi offered the sessions 'Adaptation and continuous learning to start and persevere in Palliative Care' and 'Revisiting professional coping strategies through an integrative review'. Alazne Belar, the session 'Clinical Aspects of Palliative Sedation: A Systematic Review of Prospective Studies in Symptoms and Sedation'. Rocío Rojí gave the communication 'Exercise interventions for fatigue in palliative care in Management of fatigue in advanced cancer - psychological, physical and pharmacological'.
Centeno also participated in the XVI conference of Family and Palliative Care of the Centro de Humanización de la Salud and the Centro Asistencial San Camilo, presenting the Map of Palliative Care in the World, (6-7/10/2021, Pamplona, Spain).
And, together with Eduardo Garraldaattended the Romanian PC Conference. Centeno gave the communication 'Research in palliative care : who, when and what ? Core competencies framework'. While Garralda delivered the lecture "Palliative Sedation: An European Perspective", (22-23/10/2021, Romania).
Carla Reigada delivered the lecture 'How do I want you to know me? Mensagem dos profissionais de Cuidados Paliativos para os outros profissionais' during the II Congresso Internacional de Comunicação e Marketing em Cuidados Paliativos of the Associação Portuguesa de Cuidados Paliativos, (22/10/2021, Lisbon, Portugal).
Miguel Sánchez Cárdenas attended the webinar 'Palliative Care and Health Systems: A Multistakeholder Dialogue' organized by IAHPC and the United Nations University International Institute for Global Health, (7/10/2021, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).
Creativity and Cultural Heritage
Julia Pavón gave the session 'Cultural and educational exchanges and their role in the construction of Europe' at the lecture on the future of Europe. 'Education and culture: boosting cooperation' organized by the committee Federal of the European Movement at partnership with the committee Navarro of the European Movement, (22-24/10/2021, Roncesvalles, Spain).
Emotional culture and identity
Ana Marta González offered a discussion paper on Natural Law during the Workshop 'Democracy and Morality' organized by the Ethikon Institute, (22-23/10/2021, Redondo Beach, USA).
Inés Olza participated in the II conference de Lingüística y Gramática Española: Inclusión, claridad, precisión, visibilización y otros temas en discussion para la lingüística actual de la Universidad del Salvador with the session 'Negación enfática: algunas construcciones multimodales en español actual', (30/09-1/10/2021, Buenos Aires, Argentina).
In addition, he delivered the paper 'Resisting Covid as caged birds: A qualitative approach to metaphorical construals of the pandemic in songs' during the Language of Covid-19 Conference at the University of Sussex, (22-23/10/2021, Brighton, UK).
Ana Belén Martínez virtually attended the IABAA's biannual congress : Stories of Change, Stories for Change at the University of Alberta where she gave the lecture 'Women's Stories on/for Change: Doing Research in Activists, Becoming One', (1/10/2021, Alberta, Canada).
Public discourse
Eleonora Esposito presented the discussion paper 'Cyber-violence against women in politics in the EU' at the congress Women and speech: Leadership, Image and Society organized by the University of Seville, (25-27/10/2021, Seville, Spain).
She also offered the session 'Cyber-violence against women in politics: a techno-social phenomenon' at the virtual workshop 'Cyber-stalking is violence, it is a crime, it is real' of the Federation of Progressive Women, (26/10/2021, Madrid, Spain).
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Carolina Lupo gave the online lecture 'The New Drug. Porn Impact on Mental Health' to students of the Universidad Panamericana de México, (13/10/2021, Mexico City, Mexico).
Youth in transition
Javier García Manglano delivered the seminar 'New technologies: three fallacies, three problems, three reasons to be optimistic' at the association Albó de Mallorca, (18/10/2021, Mallorca, Spain).
Charo Sádaba participated in the VI European workshop of the European Association Single-sex Education "Core competencies in character Education . Contributions from personalized Education " with the discussion paper 'Youth's aspirations and struggles: identity,relationships and work in the digital society', (8-9/10/2021, London, UK).
José Ignacio Murillo gave the online session "Neuroscience, identity staff and free will" at the School Law School of the University of Buenos Aires (10/14/2021, Buenos Aires, Argentina).
Javier Bernácer y José Manuel Muñoz attended the seminar "Neuroderechos: desafíos e implicaciones internacionales" of the University of Castilla-La Mancha and Fundejus (Argentina). In this event Muñoz was coordinator and delivered the session "Neuroderechos: fundamentos y límites desde la perspectiva de la neurosciencia" (1/10/2021, Toledo, Spain).
Muñoz also intervened in the lecture of the Latin American Observatory of Human Rights and Business of the Universidad Externado de Colombia, Neurorights Line with the discussion paper Where are the neuro-rights going? Balance and challenges of the initiative at a global level", (2/10/2021, Bogota, Colombia).
Navarra Center for International Development
Luis Ravina attended the event 'Dialogue on: The Future of Inequality and Poverty' organized by the National Prospective and Strategy Office of the Government of Spain. There he offered at discussion paper 'Should Spain help reduce poverty and inequality beyond its borders?', (21-22/10/2021, Pamplona, Spain). More information.
Raul Bajo participated in the seminar 'NOVAFRICA Working Group seminar series' with the discussion paper 'Do mini-grids promote energy access? Quasi-experimental evidence from a nation-wide policy reform in Tanzania'. (27/10/2021, Lisbon, Portugal).
Jaime Millán intervened in the Annual lecture of the association of Economics of Latin America and the Caribbean (LACEA) and of the Latin American Chapter of the Econometric Society (LAMES), organized by the University of Rosario, with the discussion paper 'Oiling up the field. Forced internal displacement and the expansion of palm oil in Colombia', (20-22/10/2021, Bogotá, Colombia).
Religion and Civil Society
David Thunder participated virtually in the Liberty Fund's colloquium 'Ordoliberalism and the Market Economy', (21-23/10/2021, Carmel, USA).
Chair Álvaro D'Ors
Rafael Domingo Oslé gave the discussion paper entitled 'Pervivencia actual de los Aforismos Jurídicos Latinos' during a congress organized by the Inter American Open University (9/10/2021, Buenos Aires, Argentina).
Mª Cruz Díaz de Terán gave in person the workshop'The importance of the training in equality' in the 48th congress CECE 'Challenges of the new scenario educational', (22-23/10/2021, Madrid, Spain).