2014_04_30_ICS_Instituto Cultura y Sociedad: participación en actividades de otros centros y universidades (abril de 2014)
Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (April 2014)
Emotional culture and identity
Pilar León gave two lectures-colloquium at AESE (Coimbra Portugal), on April 10 and 11: "Ética nas Ética nas Instituições Hospitalares (I). Conferência-Colóquio. DT-A-797 O atendimento à Sra. Rodrigues" and "Ética nas Instituições Hospitalares (II). Conference-Colloquium. DT-A-1284 Something that could have been avoided". Both were part of the XIX Programa de Alta Direccão de Instituicões de Saúde, aimed at members of boards of directors and directors and service chiefs of hospital institutions in the public, private and social sectors.
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Jokin de Irala spoke at the VII Theological-Didactic workshop organized by the high school Superior of Religious Sciences (ISCR) at IESE under the degree scroll "Person and Family. Lines of action and Christian training ". His discussion paper was "At the service of the family. Our children want to know more about affectivity and sexuality".
Natural law and rationality internship
Julia Urabayen gave a seminar on evil in Hanna Arendt at the Università del Sacro Cuore (Milan, Italy) on April 28.
José Ignacio Murillo and Javier Sánchez Cañizares participated in the congress "Toward a Science of Consciousness. 20th Anniversary The Tucson Conference", held at the Center for Consciousness Studies of The University of Arizona (Tucson, USA) from April 21 to 26. They presented two posters: "Consciousness, presence and time" and "Why Quantum Mechanics and the Emergence of Mind should not Be Disentangled".
Navarra Center for International Development
Luis Alberiko Gil-Alaña was at the Centre for Empirical Finance at Brunel University (London, UK) from April 8 to 10. The goal was to finalize articles for research that he is preparing together with Prof. Guglielmo Caporale.
Luis Ravina offered the lecture "Could you live on a dollar a day? One in five people do" at the Rafael del Pino Foundation. It was organized by Alumni Madrid on April 10.
ATLANTES Programme
Carlos Centeno participated on April 15 in Bonn (Germany) in the meeting of the European InSup-C project .