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Daniela Salgado Gutiérrez defends her doctoral dissertation at thesis .

The work addresses the role of the family in the Mexican reality.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
30/05/18 10:12 Nagore Gil


The defense of the doctoral thesis "The family as a social relationship, source of social capital and Education for citizenship. An approach from Relational Theory to the Mexican reality" by Daniela Salgado Gutiérrez.

In this work, the researcher starts from the observation that "in Mexico there is a need to attend to the civic training of citizenship, while at the same time there is a deficit of ethical and civil values in society". According to the doctor, most of the initiatives oriented towards this end tend to focus on the school or the city and leave out the family as an environment for the achievement of such goals.

This thesis arises from the hypothesis that the family is a relational reality, source of social capital and the proper sphere of Education for citizenship, at the same time that it is where the staff and social dimension of citizens is formed, specifically personal and social virtues. The family, therefore, provides a primary social capital and an indispensable human capital for citizenship.

This thesis is organized in 4 chapters, the first two integrated by the theoretical framework , which explain the relational theory, the genome of the family, the genome of citizenship; as well as the social capital and the Education for citizenship. In the last two chapters, an approach is made to the family and citizenship reality in Mexico, based on the analysis of the main statistical data of Mexico, in the light of Donati's outline AGIL, that is, the genome of the family and the genome of citizenship, in order to establish a dialogue between these concrete relational realities.

On the work, directed by the Dean of the School of Education and PsychologyProfessor Concepción Naval, concludes that the family and citizenship are relational, living, sui generis realities that relate to each other as social subjects. "The Mexican family is affirmed as the main source of social capital in Mexico".



