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University welcomes 945 new international students

The students - 600 freshmen from Degree and 345 from exchange - are of 55 nationalities.

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International students attended a welcoming ceremony at the University Museum Theater. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
30/08/19 08:56 Isabel Rincón

The University of Navarra has welcomed its international students. The Museum Theater of the academic center has been the stage chosen for the official act of welcome to the 945 students - 600 from Degree and another 345 from exchange - who begin their programs of study at campus.

They are university students of up to 55 nationalities. Among the first-year Degree students, those from Ecuador, the United States and Colombia stand out. In the case of students from exchange, the main countries of origin are France, Italy and Canada. During the last academic year, 3,378 international students studied at the University, 25.5% of the total.

The welcoming conference , the 'Welcoming Days', have been taking place since last Monday until Friday. Twenty volunteers from the University's international committee and the staff of department of International Relations advise and inform all students about the formalities to formalize their stay in Pamplona (visas, identification cards). Among other issues, they receive information on practical aspects of their life at the University and in Pamplona and a session on 'culture shock' "to help them adapt and cope with the arrival in a totally different culture," said the director of International Office, Ana Delgado.  

Delgado greeted the students at the Museum and it was the Vice President of International Office, Pilar Lostao, who took the floor afterwards: "Our main goal is that your stay here becomes the best educational experience and staff ", she confirmed. Lostao described the University as a young but consolidatedcampus among educational institutions in Spain, Latin America and Europe. Lostao referred to the third place obtained by the University of Navarra in the Europe Teaching Ranking of Times Higher Education (THE), only behind Oxford and Cambridge universities in excellence professor.

At the same time that the welcome took place at the Museum, the President of the University of Navarra, Alfonso Sánchez Tabernero, met with the families of the international students in the hall of the Amigos Building. "What more can we do to make this the best place in the world to study?" he said.

Sánchez Tabernero valued the University's commitment to innovation and educational quality. "The University and families are going to go hand in hand. It is about providing the right context for students to grow and mature. We have to continue with this innovative spirit among all of us," he concluded.



