Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities of other centers and universities (November 2018)
Researchers and collaborators participated in activities in Austria, USA, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Latvia, Poland, Portugal and Spain.
Emotional culture and identity
Ana Marta González gave the discussion paper 'The World in Front of Us: Challenges and Horizons of Practical Reason' at the 'XVIII Colloquio di Teologia Morale Rebuilding the Christian Moral Subject. A Challenge 25 years after Veritatis Splendor', organized by the Pontifical Lateran University. (23-24/11/2018, Rome, Italy).
Ana Belén Martínez presented his lecture 'Strategic Empathy in Activists' TED Talks' at the '42nd AEDEAN 2018 Conference' at the University of Cordoba (07-09/11/2018 Cordoba, Andalusia).
Javier Serrano offered the lecture 'average repertoires and local news consumption in Spain' at the '7th European Communication Conference (ECREA): Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation' (01-03/11/2018, Lugano, Switzerland).
Creativity and Cultural Heritage
Julia Pavón presented the lecture 'El Camino de Santiago. The pilgrimage and the training of Europe in the Age average' to young people of 4th of ESO, in the 'Ciclo Jakin-mina 2018-2019' organized by Jakiunde Jakin-Mina. (16/11/2018, Tudela, Navarra).
He also presented 'Queens of Navarre in the Age average' as part of the cycle 'Inquiries into the History of Navarre' organized by the association Cultural Navarra Peña Pregón'. (19/11/2018, Pamplona, Navarra).
In addition, he traveled to Vitoria to the 'XIV conference European Culture' organized by the association Raíces de Europa. There he presented his lecture 'The place of culture in a world in transition (5th-10th centuries)'. (Vitoria, Basque Country, 20/11/2018).
Finally, he participated in the roundtable 'II meeting of professionals' of the association Ondarezai with the lecture 'Service-Learning, within the research that brings value to heritage: the University between the socialization of heritage, service-learning and territorial dynamization'. (13/11/2018, Pamplona, Navarra).
Anna Dulska curated a exhibition on the role of radio in the history of Poland, organized near Krakow on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Poland's regained independence (10/11/2018, Krakow, Poland).
He also attended the workshop 'European Routes of Jewish Heritage Training Programs' of the European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage (AEPJ). (12/11/2018, Barcelona, Catalonia).
Public discourse
Ramón González Ruiz presented a session called 'Semantics and pragmatics of evidentiality: notional issues and discursive strategies' at the Master's Degree de programs of study Higher Hispanic of the University of Seville. (26-27/11/2018, Seville, Andalusia).
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Jokin de Irala gave the lecture 'Banalización de la sexualidad' at the 'congress Internacional Mayo del 68' of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. (08-10/11/2018, Madrid, Spain). He also went to the Montealto and El prado schools to give a talk to the young people of high school program. (29-30/11/2018, Madrid).
Carlos Beltramo attended the symposium 'Living today the prophetic vision of Humanae Vitae and Veritatis Splendor, Reflecting on Reality 50 Years and 25 Years Onwards' of the International Theological Institute. There he presented his talk 'What happened to the large family in Latin America?' (15-16/11/2018, Schloss Tramau, Austria).
Silvia Carlos traveled to Madrid to the 'X congress Nacional de Gesida 2018' organized by GESIDA (group de Estudio del SIDA SEIMC). There he presented his talk 'Perceptions of community sexual behaviors in Kinshasa: data from the OKAPI prospective cohort study'. (06-09/11/2018, Madrid).
Martiño Rodríguez attended the 'V congress Internacional en Contextos Psicológicos Educativos y de la Salud' of the Asociaciation University of Scientific Formation Psychology and Education Research, Universidad de Almeria and Universidad de Chile. There she presented two posters: 'Bowen family systems theory as a dynamic framework for researching on co-sleeping family practice: a theorical approach to Greek-Mediterranean culture' and 'Specific learning disorder and family: a review of the research in the last 3 years (2016-2018)'. She also participated in a symposium with the discussion paper "Families of children with specific learning disorder'. (21-23/11/2018, Madrid).
He then traveled to Bilbao to give the lecture 'Insecure romantic attachment as a predictive factor of psychological aggression over time: Examining a sample of Canadian couples using an actor-partner interdependence model' at the 'International Congress: Family conflict and crisis. Advances in clinical and community intervention', organized by University of Deusto and association española para la research y el development de la terapia familiar. (29-30/11/2018, Bilbao, Basque Country).
group Mind-brain
Fran Güell was speaker guest of the 'congress International May 68' of the University Francisco de Vitoria. (08-10/11/2018, Madrid).
Gonzalo Arrondo went to the educational centers Félix Urabayen and Cuatrovientos to carry out a research funded by Fundación la Caixa and UNED that seeks to know the prevalence of ADHD symptoms in the population of adult students in Navarra. (05-09/11/2018, Pamplona, Navarra).
Nathaniel Barret presented the discussion paper 'The contrasts of feeling: Toward an integrated theory of affect and consciousness' at the 'IAS-Research Talk of the IAS Research' of the Center for Life, Mind and Society. (27/11/2018, San Sebastian, Basque Country).
José Víctor Orón offered a training Uptoyou in European Forum. (11/2018, Cizur Menor, Navarra).
Leandro Gaitan participated in the 'Colloquium on Applied Ethics: Contemporary Ethical Challenges of the Environmental Ethics Society -- PRAXIS Group of the Philosophy Center' with the discussion paper 'Human and Posthuman Rights: Fukuyama's "Our Posthuman Future" Revisited'. (16/11/2018, Lisbon, Portugal).
Juan Narbona gave the workshop'Transition from neuropediatric to adult attendance ' at the 'CXX meeting Annual of the Spanish Society of Neurology'. (20-24/11/2018, Seville, Andalusia).
Navarra Center for International Development
Luis Ravina and David Soler attended a scientific meeting at Strathmore College. They also had meetings to meet students from which they could collaborate with NCID. (21-26/11/2018, Nairobi, Kenya).
Luis Ravina also traveled to Boston for several meetings with researchers to discuss NCID and possible collaborations. He also offered a discussion paper at the seminar Spanish Caucus at Harvard University (12-16/11/2018, Boston, USA).
He also traveled to Washington to meet with contacts from the Center for Strategic Studies; the UN World Food Program; and the World Bank (11/16-18/2018, Washington, USA).
Luis Alberiko Gil participated in the course 'Time Series with the discussion paper Econometrics Time Series of BAKU Augstskola; BA School of Business and Finance'. He also had a scientific meeting at the Central Bank of Lithuania (12-16/11/2018, Riga, Latvia).
ATLANTES Programme
Carlos Centeno, Alazne Belar and Marina Martínez attended the 'WeCare: Care at the end of life 6th International Workshop The systematic assessment of suffering: A need for clinical internship ', at the International University of Catalonia Barcelona. Alazne and Marina together with Josep Porta gave the discussion paper 'When and how should we talk about it' and then presented the discussion with experts. Afterwards the three ATLANTES researchers attended a scientific meeting . (23-24/11/2018, Barcelona, Catalonia).
Carlos Centeno together with Nunziata Comoretto attended the international congress 'Fragility makes us strong. The promotion of palliative care in the era of the globalization of indifference', at the Catholic University of Murcia. Carlos presented the project 'White Paper for Advocacy for Global Palliative Care' and Nunziata presented the session 'The Social Doctrine of the Church and Palliative Care'. (14-15/11/2018, Murcia).
Antonio Noguera Attended the All Ireland Hospice and Palliative Care Erasmus Plus Scientific meeting (17-19/11/2018, Dublin, Ireland).
Religion and Civil Society
Montserrat Herrero participated in the 'seminar International History, concept and crisis. Koselleck and the configuration of the modern world at the Carlos III University. There he presented his discussion paper 'Alternative temporalities: ways of imagining the passage of time' (22-23/11/2018, Madrid).
framework Demichelis gave a lecture on Wahhabism and contemporary history of Saudi Arabia at the Foundation high school of the University of Milan. (06/11/2018, Milan, Italy).
David Thunder presented the lecture 'Philosophy social' at the lecture 'Sustainable Welfare: is it possible? Aging, healthcare and pensions' at the association Kratos. (08/11/2018, Pamplona, Navarra).
Rafael Escobedo gave the seminar 'The Last Crusader State: Catholicism and Franco's Spain' at The Catholic University of America (11/19/2018, Washington, USA).
He later presented another seminar, 'American Catholics and the Spanish "National-Catholic" Dictatorship' at Georgetown University.(11/29/2018, Washington, USA).
Statistics Unit
Jesús Fidalgo López presented the seminar 'design optimal Bayesian ' at the research center Operational (CIO). (05/11/2018, Elche, Comunidad Valenciana).
In addition, he attended the Science Commissions for monitoring degrees of Fundación Madrid+D+I (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation Madrileña). (22/11/2018, Madrid).
Other researchers
Alex Hansen participated in the 'Austrian EU Council Presidency Conference on Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities for a European Research diary - Valuation of SSH in mission-oriented research' (28-29/11/2018, Vienna, Austria).