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Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities of other centers and universities (January 2014)

31/01/14 13:27 ICS

Analysis of the speech

Manuel Casado and Ramon Gonzalez attended the XLIII International Symposium of the Spanish Society of Linguistics (Ciudad Real, 20-23/01/2014).


Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Jokin de Irala delivered two lectures at the high school Canigó (Barcelona): 'Guidelines for a sexual Education ', aimed at parents and educators, and 'The value of waiting', for female students (21/01/2014).  



José Ignacio Murillo gave three courses at the Center. Pan American Humanities (Monterrey, Mexico, 20-24/01/2014): 'Neuroscience, freedom and affectivity', 'Man and freedom' and 'A philosophical introduction to Social Anthropology'. Likewise, in the ICAMI (Centro de training y Perfeccionamiento Directivo) offered the lecture 'What does it mean to govern? A reflection on governance in the field of business'.

Javier Bernácer participated in the tribunal of a doctoral thesis at the School of Medicine of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.



Navarra Center for International Development

Luis Alberiko Gil-Alaña and Álvaro Morcillo attended the American Economic Association Job Market (Philadelphia, USA, 2-5/01/2014) to interview candidates for the project. Álvaro also spent time with Douglas Massey at Princeton University to work on migration-related issues (USA, 06-15/01/2014).

Héctor Cárcel presented his research 'Fractional Integration in the West African Economic and Monetary Union' -supervised by Luis Alberiko Gil-Alaña- at the 7th International Conference of the Thailand Econometric Society, held at Chiang Mai University (08-11/01/2014).

Luis Ravina and Pierce King traveled to South Africa from January 16-26. The goal of the trip was to expand the network contacts in the country. 




