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The Royal Mallorcan Academy of programs of study Historics pays homage to José Orlandis, the first Dean of the School of Canon Law of the University of Navarra

Domingo Ramos Lissón, director of the high school of Church History, recalled his contributions in the field of ecclesiastical history.

31/03/11 10:54
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PHOTO: Courtesy

The Royal Mallorcan Academy of Historical programs of study has paid tribute to Full Professor José Orlandis, first Dean of the School of Canon Law of the University of Navarra and honorary member of the Balearic corporation. Professor Orlandis passed away last December 24, 2010.

The event was attended by local authorities such as the mayor of Ciutat, Aina Calvo; the Minister of the Presidency, Albert Moragues; and the presidents of the Royal Academies based in Palma.

The president of the Royal Mallorcan Academy of Historical programs of study , Román Piña Homs, opened the event with the reading of the letters in which the bishop of Mallorca, Jesús Murgui, and the President of the University of Navarra, Ángel J. Gómez Montoro, excused their attendance for reasons of diary. Both took advantage of the missive to also remember the figure of the honoree.

The academic and official chronicler of the city of Palma, Bartomeu Bestard, then took over to recall the links of Orlandis with Palma. Although he was born in 1916, his condition of Full Professor kept him away from this city for half a century. Orlandis left testimony of his hometown and his youth in a book of memories of that time.

For his part, the director of the Arxiu de Palma, Pere de Montaner, explained the origin of the Orlandis family, coming from Pisa. He also reviewed the illustrious characters of this saga, many of whom distinguished themselves in the service of the Majorcan kingdom and the Hispanic monarchy.

Domingo Ramos Lissón, representing the President of the University of Navarra and as director of the high school of Church History, founded precisely by José Orlandis in the aforementioned campus, described the organizational activity of who was its first director, as well as his valuable scientific contributions in the field of ecclesiastical history, which have been reflected in more than twenty books and numerous monographic works.

The tribute ended with a speech by the President of the Academy, Román Piña Homs, who made reference letter to the twenty years in which Orlandis, since his retirement in 1990, collaborated assiduously with the academic body.



