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visit to Madrid by first year architecture students

Between May 21 and 24, a group group of Architecture students traveled to the capital to visit buildings and learn more about the works and their authors.

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31/05/16 13:16 Nagore Gil

The visit to Madrid of the students of the first year of the School of Architecture began in the studio of Ignacio Vicens. The architect told the students about his own professional career, and encouraged them to find their own "niche", that space where everyone can be the best. They visited two of his most renowned works: the parish of Santa Monica in Rivas Vaciamadrid and the single-family house in Las Encinas. Vicens tried to encourage in each of them the desire for culture in all its fields.

Riding bicycles, a ride through Madrid Rio was the perfect opportunity for them to reflecting on change in the city and its public spacea tour that ended at the Matadero de Madrid, rehabilitated by alumni de the School.

During their stay, the visits included buildings of all periods, styles and authors. From the Station Atocha and its subsequent extensions by Rafael Moneo, up to the end of the the Church The visit includes visits to the main museums or large headquarters such as Telefónica's Distrito C or BMW's headquarters.

The racetrack of the Zarzuelathe headquarters of the high school Official Association of Architects of MadridThe Barceló Market and the old Barceló cinema, the Shrine of Our Lady of Fair Love of San Antonio de FloridaThe Fisac hydrographic center programs of study , or the Higueras Foundation, were other places they had the opportunity to visit.

In the study of Carlos Rubio Carvajal, the architect explained in detail some of his works, as well as his upcoming projects. The visit a the publishing house Architecture Viva where Luis Fernández-Galiano He explained his work as an architecture critic and publisher, motivating the students to read, be curious and deepen their knowledge of architecture and art, completed the stay in the capital. 



