News and events
AI model developed to guarantee unbiased decisions in core topic areas such as health, education and health care....
The University and Campus Home sign a partnership agreement to finance the project Cent...
Young architects dream Madrid's future
University students to build robots to accompany hospitalized children
Applied statistics drive sustainability and improve people's lives
La Zarzuela de los Paraguas | Behind the Scenes
Inspired by Chueca and Valverde's El año pasado por agua (1888), La zarzuela de los paraguas is a version that incorporates musical themes and plot lines from other works of the so-called "género chico".
This Zarzuela de los Paraguas, a contemporary zarzuela, is the fruit of partnershipof students and professionals. The work is a co-production of the Museo Universidad de Navarra and the associationGayarre de Amigos de la Ópera (Agao). The University Symphony Orchestra, the Choir, the groups of the Plan de trainingTeatral and the Programa de Producción de Artes Escénicas and students of the Degreeof design also participate.
Committed to a sustainable future
Caring for the environment and people is a global need that demands a commitment from society. The University assumes this responsibility so that, in an innovative and collaborative way, it can contribute to the solution of current problems and generate a positive impact on the environment and citizens.
In this framework, and in coherence with the axes of the "Strategy 2025: University and Sustainability", the University of Navarra launches the BIOMA Center to develop a research multidisciplinary and put it at the service of society through the activity professor, museums and dissemination promoted by the Schools and the Science Museum.
First Academic Talent workshop
Nearly 300 students and professors shared experiences around the university degree programat the first workshopof Academic Talent.
PhD: get excited about the University
Seven University researchers share their testimony on academic life.