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"An entrepreneur must believe in what he does and do what he believes in."

Diana González, founder of Edentity and Shokesu, has been one of the speakers at the last module of Diploma in management and Business Creation in Science.

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"An entrepreneur must believe in what he does and do what he believes in". These were the words of Diana González, co-founder of Edentity and Shokesu, and one of the speakers who have intervened in the third and last module of the Diploma in management and Business Creation in Science at the University of Navarra, which aims to reflect on the process of entrepreneurship.

Thus, the speaker provided notions on one of the key aspects in the beginning of business creation: to get customers. "It is important to identify if our potential customer needs our product, we should not offer it to those who do not need it. This part is perhaps the essential part for a project to work," he explained. "The important thing in any case is to understand the customer and his needs, listen to him and get to know him in an open way to see improvements, changes, etc.," he added.

On the other hand, in difficult moments for the entrepreneur, he advised to"breathe, calm down, review pros and cons, pending rights and duties and evaluate from the outside the status to make a decision". "Quick decision making is perhaps the most important thing in this subject of situations. Also, having someone you trust and who knows project is very important."

End of the third edition of the Diploma

The third module of Diploma in management and Business Creation in Science has as objectives to generate an innovative business idea related to the sector and a client goal, to know if a business idea will work, or use tools to innovate as Silicon Valley Start-Up, among others. Professionals from different sectors and institutions such as Innokabi, Bread Fruit Capital, Sodena, Agrolab, CEIN and Iden Biotechnology took part.

This part of the program marks the end of the degree scroll organized by the Foundation business University of Navarra in partnership with the School of Sciences of the University of Navarra in which 25 students of the Degrees in Biochemistry , Biology, Chemistry, the Master's Degree in research Biomedical and the Master's Degree in Biodiversity, Landscapes and Sustainable management have participated.



