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Four new researchers from Turkey, Gambia and Spain join ICS

They will develop projects on emotions in Turkey's foreign policy towards the European Union; migrations from African countries; Economics of development on issues such as energy, environment and natural resources; and the connection between social bonds and moral bonds.

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Melike Akkaraca (Public discourse), Tijan Bah, Raúl Bajo (both from the Navarra Center for International Development) and Sergio Clavero (Emotional culture and identity).
PHOTO: Courtesy
01/09/20 11:28 Isabel Solana

Four new researchers will join in the academic year 2020-2021 to the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS), the research center in Humanities and social sciences of the University of Navarra. They are Melike Akkaraca (Turkey), Sergio Clavero, Raúl Bajo (both from Spain) and Tijan Bah (Gambia).

Melike Akkaraca holds a PhD and Master's Degree in European Law from Marmara University (Istanbul, Turkey). In addition, she holds two Master's degrees in International Office and Political Science (Marmara University) and in Legal Theory(European Academy of Legal Theory). He will join 'Public discourse' with a scholarship Marie Curie, where she will develop the research 'Emotions in Turkey's foreign policy towards the European Union'. In it she seeks to understand Turkey's foreign policy changes towards the European Union (EU) in the last twenty years based on emotions as elements capable of creating identity discourses. 

Sergio Clavero is graduate in Philosophy and Journalism, Master's Degree in Philosophy by the University of Navarra and double doctorate in Philosophy and Sociology by this center and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Italy). He will be part of 'Emotional culture and identityHe will analyze the connection between social bonds and moral bonds, as well as the role played by identity, with particular attention to the phenomenon of recognition.

Raúl Bajo-Buenestado holds a PhD in Economics from Rice University (Houston, USA) and has been working since 2016 as Adjunct Professor at School of Economics at the University of Navarra. Since then he has been partner of the Navarra Center for International Development (NCID), where he has developed several researches in matters of energy, environment, natural resources and industrial organization

Tijan Bah holds a PhD in Economics from the New University of Lisbon (Portugal) and the University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne. He focuses on the Economics of migration from Africa to Northern countries and is co-author of a study presented at the 1st NCID Workshop on Migration that analyzes the motivation of people to migrate to Europe. At NCID he will initially work on the same field.

In addition, two doctoral students will join the ICS during this academic year. Cristina Bastidas will carry out her thesis with Inés Olza at the project MultiNeg de 'Emotional culture and identitythanks to a scholarship of the CAN Foundation. Meanwhile, Pau Monzón will develop the thesis under the direction of José Ignacio Murillo in the group 'Mind-Brain'.



