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More than 1,500 people participate in Mass of thanksgiving for the canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII

The Archbishop of Pamplona, Francisco Pérez, presided over the ceremony, which was accompanied by the choir of the Parish of Our Lady of the Orchard.

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At the end of the ceremony, each participant was able to take home a holy card of the new saints and an edition of the four Gospels. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
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Francisco Pérez, Archbishop of Pamplona, presided over the ceremony. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
02/05/14 16:57 Chus Cantalapiedra

More than 1,500 people participated in the Mass of St. Mary of Fair Love and in thanksgiving for the canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII, celebrated on May 1 at the University of Navarra.

The ceremony was presided over by the Archbishop of Pamplona, Msgr. Francisco Pérez, and concelebrated, among others, by twelve priests ordained by St. John Paul II during his years as Pope. The choir of the Parish of Our Lady of the Orchard was in charge of the musical accompaniment of the Eucharistic celebration.

Monsignor Francisco Pérez, who wore a chasuble and stole used by St. John Paul II when he was Pope, encouraged students, professors, professionals of the academic center, as well as the citizens of Pamplona, to be and live in the Truth: "We must bear witness, not because I am better than anyone else, but because God has set his gaze on me and I must be a reflection of it".

He also offered some insights into his recent stay in Rome on the occasion of the canonization of these two new saints, John Paul II and John XXIII, and highlighted some of the characteristics of their pontificate.

At the end of the ceremony, each participant was able to take home one of the prayer cards that were given out at place on Sunday, April 27, during the canonization of John Paul II and John XIII, as well as an edition of the four Gospels, a gift from Chaplaincy and thanks to the kindness of the School of Theology, which ceded its rights to the text, and to EUNSA, which waived the commercial benefits.



