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Adrián Torres and Tania Sainz, delegate and subdelegate of the School

They were elected by the school councils on Tuesday, September 26th.

03 | 10 | 2023

Adrián Torres and Tania Sainz have been elected respectively delegate and subdelegate of the School of Sciences for the academic year 2023/24. Around 30 students participated in the voting, who form the different course councils of each Degree (Biology/Environmental Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry ).

Adrián Torres Palés (21 years old, Zaragoza) is student of 4th year of Biochemistry + Science and Business Program. For him it is an "honor and responsibility" to be able to represent his classmates and to be able to raise their proposals. Torres talks about the main objectives they will pursue: to try to increase the motivation of student body and academic staff; to collaborate in achieving the objectives of School; and to try to unite the four Schools of area Science: "We rarely interact with each other, there is a glass wall between the Schools. We want to address bonding with those we live with, but don't know."

Tania Sainz Zúñiga (22 years old, Monterrey-Mexico) is in the 4th grade of Biochemistry and is the subdelegate of School. Tania will serve as a spokesperson for the students on academic and administrative issues, and will collaborate with the University delegates "to manage issues core topic and promote student welfare". Sainz plans to coordinate School student activities and projects related to employment opportunities and knowledge dissemination science, as well as to strengthen partnership with the "Biotechnology Club" and "Women for Science and Technology".



