Graduation of the XLVIII Biology, XIX Biochemistry and XVI Biology graduating classes. Chemistry
A total of 94 students received the diploma accrediting them as graduates of the University of Navarra.
PHOTO: Courtesy
A total of 94 students from the XLVIII Biology, XIX Biochemistry and XVI Chemistry graduating classesreceived last May 31 the diploma accrediting them as graduates of th e Universi ty of Na varra. Specifically: 38 belonged toDegree of Biology, 52 to of Biology and four to of Biology. Biochemistry and four to the Chemistry.
During the academic ceremony, which was presided over by the Dean of the School of Sciences, Ignacio López-Goñi, the delegates of each graduating class gave a submission of a diploma to the sponsors: María Iraburu from Biochemistry , Carolina Santamaría from Chemistry and Ignacio Moriyón from Biology. The latter was in charge of giving the final lesson.
The graduation ceremony was preceded by a floral offering to the Virgin of the Beautiful Love at Shrine of Our Lady of Fair Love of campus and a solemn mass at School of Sciences.
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