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Students from Degree at Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) take their curricular trip to Brussels, Paris, Washington DC and New York.

They have visited some of the main political, social and economic institutions of the European Union and the United States.

In the framework of the curricular trips that are organized as a training complement, the students of 1st and 3rd and 2nd and 4th of the Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) have traveled to Brussels and Paris, and to Washington DC and New York, respectively, to meet in person some of the most relevant political, economic and social institutions in the world. They have also held meetings and sessions with professionals from different public service organizations. 

development The Permanent Representation of Spain to the European Union (REPER), the European Parliament, the Organization for Economic Cooperation andDevelopment (OECD), the External Action Service of the European Union, or the European Banking Authority, among others, are some of the organizations that the 1st and 3rd grade students have visited during their trip, which we have been telling on the social networks of the School. In addition, Carlota Navarrete, course delegate, has shared her experience and that of her classmates on her Linkedin profile .


The United States has been the setting for the curricular trip of the 2nd and 4th grade students. In the capital, Washington D.C., they visited such important institutions in the world of politics and business as the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund, the Capitol, the World Bank, the Organization of American States and the think tank The Heritage. Economics such as the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund, the Capitol, the World Bank, the Organization of American States and The Heritage think tank. They also spent two days at conference in New York, where they visited the United Nations headquarters, the think tank"Americans for tax reform" and Georgetown University

During their stay in the country, they also held meetings with different professionals, such as Henry Cuellar, Democratic congressman; Juliana Dauchess, legislative assistant of the U.S. House of Representatives; Jacobo Tenacio, advisor political at the permanent mission statement of Spain at the United Nations; or Juan Luis Manfredi, Full Professor Prince of Asturias at Georgetown University, among others.




