The think tank Global Affairs, created by the University's Degreeat International Office, is born.
The project has a double mission statement: the analysis and the training

Researching and thinking about the International Office is the goal of the think-tank Global Affairs & Strategic Studies created by the Degree of International Officeof the School Law School of the University of Navarra.
Global Affairs was created with the aim of purpose to become a think tank of reference letter in the field of geopolitics, from its double mission statement: the strategic analysis of what is happening in the international arena, oriented to the prospection and implementation of policies, and the training of new generations of experts and relevant actors in the field.
This last aspect takes the form of the strong involvement of pupils in the different processes of the school, so that they can learn more about knowledge from different regions of the world and at the same time develop their reading, analytical and writing skills.
Global Affairs is made up of group of professors, some doctoral students and some sixty students, from all courses, who in seminars organised by areas of the world study issues ranging from security and defence, to trade and Economics, including energy, logistics and governance. The result of this activity are the publications of different subject -articles, analyses, essays, documents of work...- that appear several times a week on the centre's website, launched on 24 January.
Global Affairs is also disseminating its work through the Twitter account @GlobalAffairsUNaccount, and a newsletter. The centre has also started to plan events at campus in Pamplona, and plans to carry out part of its regular public activity in Madrid as well.