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10 projects with impact for Navarra will be prototyped in the I Social Citizen laboratory on June 5 and 6 at the ICS and UPNA

Any citizen can collaborate in the projects, which address topics such as youth participation, prevention of domestic violence or the strengthening of neighborhood life, among others, by contacting registration.

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Javier Espinosa (high school of Sociologists), Juan María Sánchez-Prieto (I-COMMUNITAS), Ana Marta González (ICS) and Luis Campos (high school of Sociologists).
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
09/05/19 10:17

10 projects will be prototyped in the I laboratory Social Citizen of Navarra, which will take place on June 5 at the Public University of Navarra (UPNA) and on June 6 at the University of Navarra's (ICS). Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra. The initiative is promoted by the high school of Sociology and Political Science of Navarra in partnership with the ICS and the I-Communitas Institute of the UPNA. It is supported by the Government of Navarra through the Citizen Attention and Participation Service of the department of Citizen and Institutional Relations.

This Social laboratory aims to be a collaborativetool through which, as a final product, several groups of people with very different characteristics will work collaboratively during these two conference with the goal to develop projects that provide solutions to social issues of great interest to Navarra.

The period of registration is open for any citizen who wishes to collaborate in any of the selected projects. The aim is to form multidisciplinary groups that will sketch during the two days a prototype of project based on the selected proposals.

The following projects have been selected result for their originality, innovation, territorial impact, transferability and suitability to the thematic lines proposed:

Innovative models of management in nursing homes: presented by Pilar Lostalé Martínez, from the Real Casa de la Misericordia de Tudela, presents a research on new models for managing residents' belongings.

Vertical regrowth of buildings: this initiative of Goio Mendoza Erice promotes the development of a pilot project to regrow existing buildings vertically in order to obtain energy and social improvements of the buildings in an economical way in the neighborhoods where this initiative is developed proposal.

Atalaya/Mirador (from public data to collective intelligence): promoted by the department of Sociology and work Social of the UPNA, aims to transform the existing tacit knowledge (data public) into explicit knowledge .

Educational application (app) for the prevention of intimate partner violence in adolescents and young people: it is promoted by project 'Education of affectivity and human sexuality' of the ICS and seeks to design an application for smartphones (app) with game elements, which serves to empower adolescents in the detection and prevention of intimate partner violence (IPV) through the knowledge dissemination and evaluation of preventive messages.

Written narratives and reflexivity: development of a program of analysis and assessment to promote self-awareness and future projection in adolescents at risk of exclusion: it has been devised by Sofía Brotóns Arnau, PhD student at project '.Public discourse' of the ICS. The ultimate goal is that, through writing, adolescents considered at risk of exclusion are able to better understand their life circumstances in order to face their future with greater opportunities.

Weaving from the invisible (or invisibilized). Informal networks of care and community support: is a proposal of Aradia, espacio para la profundización democrática, S. Coop. Pequeña. It aims to map the informal care networks of Pamplona and the region contributing to recognize their contributions, not only present but also past to make visible the other history of municipalities and neighborhoods, developing initiatives for a fairer and co-responsible social organization of care from the experiences and knowledge of its protagonists.

Cohousing / Covivienda: una alternativa de convivencia para la etapa senior: is promoted by the association Etxeonak and deals with the challenges of cohousing: it aims to disseminate this internship in society, reflect on it, address it and involve the Administrations.

Vidas "barriales", vidas urbanas: is a proposal by Aitor Garjón, Ion Martínez Lorea and Andoni Iso with the partnership of Iñaki Lavilla. It seeks to strengthen participation in the neighborhoods of Pamplona and in the City Forum consolidating, in each case, the dynamics of identification with the urban space and with its socio-historical development in addition to identifying the strengths and weaknesses of neighborhood relationships according to the origin staff or family.

The dressmaker: patterns and measures: the project has been presented by the department of Sociology and work Social of the UPNA. It proposes to build patterns of assessment from the participatory processes carried out and for the future ones applying and strengthening the existing assessment guides. In this way it is intended to contribute to close the full cycle of citizen participation through achievements and results.

Elaboration of a collaborative guide of youth participation methodologies including the gender perspective: presented by Gonzalo Reguera Zaratiegui and María Ibarrola Lostalé of the high school of Sociology and Political Science of Navarra, has as goal the elaboration of a guide of youth participation for promote the participation of this age group group that includes the gender perspective.



