Flexibility and digitalisation, the keys to transformation in organisations
Jaime Sol addresses the management of people in confinement in the Stop and Think webinar.
Jaime Sol partner Director of People Advisory Services at EY and Adjunct Professor of the MDPO and EHR&DThe webinar was part of the Stop and Think cycle organised by the University of Navarra, and it was a great opportunity to discover how to keep teleworking in the long deadline in times of COVID.
Within the economic impact that COVID is generating, Sol lamented the massive global destruction of employment that is taking place. "Teleworking is the first response that many companies have considered in the face of unemployment", he stressed. He also posed the question that every director Human Resources manager is currently asking: "How will we work on business when we return to 'normality'?", assuring that we will never go back to working the way we did before.
In these days of confinement, the expert warned that about five hours more work is done each week and that the "feeling of loneliness makes work seem harder". However, "the tension is reduced and there is less friction between the teams", he added.
Jorge Aguirre, People Advisory Services Partner at EY, explained that we are in a changing environment and at a time of maximum technological disruption. "Companies must respond to this, not only with remote work tools, but also with a Smart Working model ," he said.
Flexibility and digitisation are the 'drivers' of this transformation in organisations, and the crisis of the #COVID19 crisis has led to this change being speeded up. In this context, Aguirre presented "'FlexiWorking, RemoteWorking and SmartWorking" as the 'bronze, silver and gold' of companies that transform their culture to align their capabilities to a highly dynamic business environment. Models from work that far exceed teleworking and, for non-tech companies, could take up to three years to transition.
To conclude, Jaime Sol shared four tips that we should not forget in this new scenario of work:
#1 Constant communication: clarity, empathy and forgiveness.
#2 Listen: spend time with your employees.
#3 Support: define the new way of working
#4 Lead by example