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Twelve professionals participate in the II Expert Course on Geographic Information Systems

This is an own degree scroll of the University of Navarra, organized in partnership with the companies Tracasa and Geosmart Soluciones.

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presentation of the II Expert Course on Geographic Information Systems
PHOTO: University of Navarra
14/01/14 09:56 Laura Latorre

Twelve professionals, including engineers, architects, geographers, biologists and experts in Environmental Sciences, are participating in the Expert Course in Geographic Information Systems (CESIG), taught by the University of Navarra, Geosmart and Tracasa.

In the presentation of the course participated Rafael Miranda, Associate Dean of research, academic staff and doctorate of the School of Sciences; Xabier Velasco, partner-director of Geosmart Solutions and director of the course; and Pablo Echamendi, manager of area of Integration and GIS Services of Tracasa.

The Expert Course in Geographic Information Systems has the rank of degree scroll of the University of Navarra. The program consists of 30 credits ECTS credit, with an estimated 750 hours of dedication of the student (graduates and professionals with or without previous experience) and is designed to be compatible with the professional internship . Face-to-face classes are held on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings at Sciences Building.

The team of trainers is composed of professionals with experience as analysts, consultants and managers or heads of project, as well as professors from the University of Navarra



