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ICS seeks volunteer couples to be married for a research on factors that help marital success

2,000 couples from Spain and Latin America have collaborated since 2016 in this longitudinal study of the project 'Education of affectivity and human sexuality'

PhotoManuelCastells/Carolina Lupo, researcher manager of AMAR's volunteer recruitment.

14 | 01 | 2021

The Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra is looking for volunteer couples who are going to get married soon for a research on factors that help success in marriage. This is the project AMAR of the group 'Education of affectivity and human sexuality', in which more than 2,000 couples from Spain and Latin America have already collaborated.

The goal consists of finding scientific evidence about the variables, characteristics and circumstances of the people who are going to get married that affect later cohabitation after the wedding, taking into account other variables after the marriage as well. 

AMAR began in 2016 and is designed as a prospective cohort study, a model very common in other areas of research, especially in Medicine, which requires numerous volunteers over several years. "As we have a large number of data from around the world we will be able to draw better conclusions," notes Carolina Lupo, researcher and manager of recruitment for the study. 

"This scientific rigor," he adds, "will ensure that the conclusions can be very close to reality and, therefore, be of great use to the young couples of tomorrow.

Learning from the successes and mistakes of others

The team carries out a follow-up from courtship and during the first years of marriage through questionnaires, which each member of the couple fills out separately to ensure confidentiality and anonymity. Among other aspects, variables such as communication, the way conflicts are resolved, the Degree of commitment to the other person, how time and effort are invested in the relationship or the Degree of giving priority to the "we" over the "I" are analyzed.

After the wedding, shorter questionnaires are sent every two years asking about those factors that influence whether they are succeeding (still together and satisfied with their marriage) or have failed (separated or divorced, or are still together but with a low marital satisfaction Degree ).

"We start from the hypothesis that it is possible to learn from the successes and mistakes of other people, thus studied, to improve the relationship and increase the chances of success of that project of life that sometimes seems difficult to keep along the way," he adds.

Carolina Lupo insists that the study is also useful for the participants themselves: "It provides a space to question important issues and analyze key aspects of day-to-day life. This reflection allows them to recognize their own strengths and areas where they can improve in order to forge a happy marriage".

To take part in the study, you must register through the website. Volunteers will receive a brief report based on their answers and will be entered into a drawing for a getaway for two.



