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International symposium examines the dynamics of global cinema

"Dynamics of Global Cinema: peripheries, infrastructure, circulation" is the degree scroll of the symposium in which film experts intervened.

14/05/13 16:55
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Experts and professors from School who participated in the symposium. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

An international symposium analyzed the dynamics of global cinema on May 10 and 11 at School Communication. It was attended by international film experts such as Professor Dina Iordanova (University of St. Andrews), Professor Tim Bergfelder (University of Southampton) and Dr. Dorota Ostrowska (Birkbeck College), among others.

The meeting -organized by the Centre for Dilm Studies at the University of St. Andrews and fcom's department Culture and Audiovisual Communication- addressed issues related to digital innovation, which is changing the ways of viewing and studying film internationally. New technologies offer wider possibilities for the circulation of films that make audiences experience cinema in new ways. Experts believe that it is necessary to rethink the concept of"national cinema", as the result of globalization in cinema is a new cinematic landscape.

This scenario, they argue, results in a shift in the composition of film cultures from national to transnational. This also influences financing, capital, markets, co-productions, politics), circulation (including distribution, diaspora channels, online channels, film festivals, and also migrations and resources), as well as the mode of direction (mutations in format, language, supranational aesthetics and narratives, and identity and talent).



