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More than 1,100 students from high school diploma students are turning to science

22 schools participated in the experiment workshops organized by the University for Science Week.

14/11/16 14:47 Laura Juampérez

More than 1,100 students from high school diploma have participated in some of the activities organized by the University of Navarra on the occasion of Science Week 2016.

On the one hand, students attended daily lectures, which this year dealt with pollution inside buildings, the Chemistry of superheroes, what are super bacteria, the physics hidden in the Sanfermines or an exhibition with birds of prey at the auditorium of Sciences Building-.

These informative talks have been closed today with the lecture "Wewill save your life: vaccines work", at position by Ignacio López-Goñi, Full Professor of Microbiology, author of the blog microBio and winner of one of the Naukas awards to the knowledge dissemination of science 2016.

On the other hand, and also daily, a total of 950 schoolchildren from 22 centers participated in practical workshops to "touch" Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Microbiology; and in guided visits to the Museum of Natural Sciences and the research center Applied Medicine (CIMA).

Also, on Saturday 12th, the Science School hosted the Experimentation conference , with tables and workshops of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Biology and Environmental Sciences.

Extraordinary" graduates and doctorates

Finally, at the closing of the Science Week, the extraordinary prizes of Degree and doctorate of the School of Sciences were awarded to Silvia Milagros (Degree of Biology), Tomás Soria (Degree of Chemistry) and María Soto (Degree of Biochemistry ) in the first category; and, in the case of doctorate, to Teresa Lozaro and Naiara Perurena (doctoral program in research Biomedical); Johann David Martínez (doctoral program in Biology and Environment); and María Dulce Pérez Mezcua (doctoral program in Chemistry).



