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Cybersecurity in a fast-paced society

Former Minister of the Interior Jorge Fernández Díaz inaugurates UNMUN 2019

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
15/03/19 10:19 Blanca Rodriguez

"We are living a historic acceleration where the challenge is to transform so much information into knowledge", said the former Minister of the Interior Jorge Fernández Díaz, who inaugurated the IX edition of the University of Navarra Model United Nations (UNMUN) of the academic center's LawSchool .

"The digital society has brought with it a new paradigm of human relations," said the former minister, who addressed cybersecurity as one of the challenges of the 21st century, "fundamental" in the field of International Relations.

The leaking of personal data , the economic damage caused by cybercrime, the hijacking of computer equipment, fraud and the exploitation of minors were some of the risks faced by countries in the information society, said Jorge Fernández Díaz, who urged public authorities to "develop prevention, protection and reaction measures".

The former Minister of the Interior explained the importance of "raising awareness among managers and members of the organization of private companies" and of "training new generations from the educational area so that they are aware of the risks and do not misuse the Internet and social networks".

The opening ceremony was also attended by the Dean of the School of Law, Jorge Noval, who encouraged the students to be "protagonists of the new international order with responsibility and eagerness to serve", and the administrative assistant general of UNMUN 2019, Paulina Briz.

In the role of diplomats

The 9th edition of UNMUN, which takes place on March 14, 15 and 16, reproduces the model internal organization and debates of the UN. During the conference, more than 160 students take on the role of diplomats representing a state or nation.

goal The UNMUN's mission is to debate, reflect and dialogue on some of the major international problems. To this end, the students are organized into five committees: Crisis Committee, Economic and Social Council, Human Rights Council and Security Council; and a General Assembly.




