committee UNMUN 2017 Organizing Committee begins to be formed

The committee Organizer of the UNMUN (University of Navarra Model United Nations) is starting to be constituted with students from different Schools of the University, who will assume main roles in the development of the Program.
The UNMUN will be conducted by the School Law Department and will be mainly oriented to students of the Degree at International Office and enriched by the participation of students from other Schools.
On September 30 the organization chart of the committee Organizer will be formalized, which will be formed by twenty-four people and will be led by the University Secretary. UNMUN 2017 will take place between February 2 and 4.
Last year, the program had five committees, which will be expanded to six in the new edition. During the conference, students from different universities and nationalities take on the role of diplomats representing a state or nation and analyze international policy issues organized in committees. After defending solutions to various problems, on the last day of congress the participants reach a resolution.
Among the lectures given at UNMUN 2016, Vicente Garrido, member of the board Advisory on Disarmament Matters of the United Nations, and Javier García de Viedma, Deputy Director general of the United Nations and Global Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, stood out.