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The University of Navarra submission the prizes of the 2010 Science and Nature Photography Competition

Iñaki Azcoiti and Patricia Rodríguez took the first and second place respectively award

15/11/10 15:37
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From left to right, Patricia Rodríguez, Manuel de Gregorio Elizalde, Iñaki Azcoiti, Antonio Luis Agüi and Ignacio López-Goñi, Dean of the School de Ciencias. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

The School of Sciences of the University of Navarra has delivered today the prizes of the photography contest Science and Nature 2010. The first prize, award , went to Iñaki Azcoiti Yerro, for his work "La frontera del desierto"; and the second prize, to Patricia Rodríguez Aranguren, for an image entitled "Prisma". Likewise, Manuel de Gregorio Elizalde, from high school La Salle de Zaragoza, received the special award to the knowledge dissemination Científica en el high school diplomawith the photograph "El camaleón acuático" (The aquatic chameleon).

The award ceremony took place on the occasion of the celebration of the patron saint of the School of Sciences, Saint Albert the Great, and was part of the events of the Science Weeks 2010. The event was also attended by Antonio Luis Agüi Palomo, from the Seville Police Chemical laboratory , who gave a speech at discussion paper "research at the crime scene: Chemistry forensics".

goal The aim of competition is to bring science, technology, research and nature closer to the public through an artistic and aesthetic vision. The contest, which uses as support the social network Facebook, had the participation of 260 people and a total of 377 photographs.

The jury was formed by Rubén Alcolea, Deputy Director of the School of Architecture and specialist in contemporary photography; the photographer Manuel Castells; and Toya Bernad, director of Communication and Marketing of the Innovation Agency of Navarra (ANAIN).



