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"College is much more than going to class and studying."

Alejandro Iribas (ISSA'20) is one of the 570 students who have made volunteer activities with Tantaka during the first semester of the course.

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Alejandro Iribas PHOTO: Chus Cantalapiedra
16/01/17 09:29 Chus Cantalapiedra

"University is much more than just going to class and studying" says Alejandro Iribas, student first year student of Degree in Management Assistance and one of the 570 students who have done volunteer activities with Tantaka during the first semester of the course. He also collaborates with group of UNMUN students.

Alexander goes every Thursday, for one hour and average, to give class of Spanish to a group of Bulgarian women. "When I heard the proposal I was scared. However, I realized that it was a great challenge and a unique opportunity to do something. I accepted the proposal and, not quite knowing what content I was going to teach in the classes, the first session came," she explains.

He says that from the very first moment they were eager to learn, which made him feel very comfortable. So it was not difficult for him to adapt the classes to the needs they conveyed to him: "Especially everyday situations: how to explain to the doctor how they are or how to ask for medication".

When she started the course she approached Tantaka ( the Solidarity Time Bank of the University of Navarra) because, after her experience at volunteer activities in a soup kitchen and at a residency program for the elderly when she went to high school, "I didn't want the move to university to mean having to stop doing other things," she says.

"Although we often don't realize it, there are people very close to us who are having a really hard time and who need us. It is very easy to help others with little things. Obviously we can't solve all the world's problems, but we can help to improve the lives of people around us who need us," he says.



