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Bilbao hosts a exhibition with the projects of the students of Degree at design of the University.

The sample will be open from 1 July to 22 August in the Ensanche Building in Bilbao.

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PHOTO: Javier Antón
17/07/19 12:11 Inés Escauriaza

Several projects created by the students of the Degree at design of the University of Navarra are on display at the headquarters of the Academic Centre located in the Ensanche Building in the Biscayan capital, until 22 August. The sample presents a selection of the formal proposals generated by the students during the first, second and third year of the course. School of Architecturewhere Degree is taught at design, since the 2015-16 academic year.

Under Construction. Fundamentos técnicos y culturales del design', is the degree scroll of this exhibition that "represents a vision of the challenges facing a world in which image and functionality are becoming increasingly important", explains Javier Antón, professor at School of Architecture and manager of exhibition.

teaching by projects

The Degree at design uses a project-based methodology teaching . In this way, the first and second year students have developed different projects that cut across all the subjects of the course. "Their projects deal with basic themes in the first year, such as typography, colour, patterns, recycling, packaging and sets; and other more elaborate themes in the second year, such as project publishing house , the platform, the instrument, connectivity, the body and the copy.

In these works," adds Javier Antón, "we can see new strategies for building today's world. In the third year, they are divided by pathway: product, services and fashion, where they can apply all the fundamentals learnt in the first two years to a specific field of design ", he concludes.

exhibition with the projects of the students of Degree in design

exhibition "Under Construction 3|4



