Jorge Indurain Garro, from Liceo Monjardín, winner of the regional phase of the Geography Olympiad, held at the University of Navarra.
26 schoolchildren from 5 schools in Navarre have participated

FotoManuelCastells/From left to right, Leire Pérez Torres (3rd award), Jorge Induráin (1st award), Nicolás Campanero (2nd award)
Jorge Indurain Garro, a 2nd year student of the Liceo Monjardín, has won the regional phase of the XV Geography Olympiad, held in high school diploma of Liceo Monjardín, has won the regional phase of the XV Geography Olympiad, held at the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra. Nicolás Campanero Doria, from high school San Ignacio; and Leire Pérez Torres, from Liceo Monjardín, have won the second and third place respectively award . All of them will be able to participate in the final of the Geography Olympics, which will be held in Seville on May 3 and 4.
A total of 26 students from five schools in Navarra -San Cernin, San Ignacio, Nuestra Señora del Huerto, IES Ibaialde and Liceo Monjardín- have participated in the competition. Organized by the high school of Geographers, the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra, and the Public University of Navarra (UPNA), the goal of the initiative is to stimulate the knowledge of this discipline, to encourage the vocation to study it and to make known the various fields and applications in which professionals in this field work.
After the realization of the test, schoolchildren participated in "Journey to Egypt: from Herodotus to Napoleon", an activity around the sample "A Promised Land. From the Age of Enlightenment to the birth of photography", which is on display at the University of Navarra Museum. The students were able to contemplate this collection of drawings and engravings from the 18th and 19th centuries; the original imperial edition of the Napoleonic albums of the occupation of Egypt in 1789; and the first photographs of the Orient and Spain with salt paper, albumen and photoengravings.