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Mathematician and popularizer Clara Grima will receive the award "Passion for Science" at the IV edition of #LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival

The #LabMeCrazy film festival, organized by the Science Museum University of Navarra, will be held in Pamplona from February 21 to 25, 2023.

19 | 01 | 2023

The Science Museum of the University of Navarra has awarded the award "Passion for Science" of the international scientific film festival #LabMeCrazy! to Clara Grima, professor of Applied Mathematics and researcher at the University of Seville, for her excellent work in the teaching and knowledge dissemination of mathematics to society in general and especially to the youngest. submission This recognition will be presented at the festival's awards gala, to be held on Tuesday, February 21 at 7 p.m. at the MUN Theater (Museo Universidad de Navarra).

"A award like this is always a wonderful gift and a responsibility that is gladly accepted. But, looking at the winners who preceded me in the award Passion for Science, the value of the gift and the responsibility are multiplied by (almost) infinity. I am frankly happy and excited. I hope that this recognition and its dissemination will also help many girls and boys to be curious about mathematics and to be as passionate about it as I am. There is nothing more human or more beautiful than mathematics", said Clara Grima on the occasion of the awarding of the award.

Clara Isabel Grima (Coria del Río, Seville, 1971) holds a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Seville, where she is a full professor at department of Applied Mathematics. She currently chairs the knowledge dissemination committee of the Spanish Royal Mathematical Society (RSME). Her research has focused on graph theory and computational geometry, where she has contributed interesting results such as, for example, the identification of a new geometric shape found in the epithelial cells of curved tissues (the escutoids), work which she has carried out together with other researchers.

Grima combines his work professor and research with the scientific knowledge dissemination of mathematics, with the publication of books, radio programs, participation in events and shows of scientific knowledge dissemination , talks in schools and institutes, and interventions in different media. Some of her books, such as the collection of short stories "Mati y sus mateaventuras", "Que las matemáticas te acompañen" or "En busca del grafo perdido" have been great publishing successes.

Dr. Grima has received numerous awards and recognitions including the Gold Medal Province of Seville (2022), award Roma (2019) for her work as a popularizer, award Mario Bohoslavsky (2018), award COSCE to the Dissemination of Science (2017), award Bitácoras to the best podcast (2016) and to the Best Blog of Education (2011), or the award PRISMAS to the best website of knowledge dissemination scientific (2013), among many others.  

Bienvenido León, director of #LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival, wanted to highlight the informative work of this scientist: "Clara Grima is a very solvent scientist. But she is also a popularizer who has been able to innovate and handle with ease different media, such as books, conferences, television programs and blogs. She does a precious job of knowledge dissemination of an subject in principle arid, difficult, such as mathematics. However, her work shows that mathematics can be exciting, when it is told as she does".

With this recognition Clara Grima joins other scientists who have reaped a brilliant career, and who have been awarded in previous editions of this festival(Francis Mojica in 2019, Margarita del Val in 2020, and Luis Enjuanes, Vicente Larraga and Mariano Esteban in 2021).

On the occasion of this recognition, Dr. Grima will give the session"Teach me to think" for teachers of Education Secondary on Monday, February 20 at 5 p.m., and on Tuesday, February 21 from 9 a.m. she will give a workshop for students and teachers of educational centers of Education Primary and Secondary graduate "Let mathematics accompany you". Both sessions will be held at Sciences Building of the University of Navarra.  

#LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival is an international science film festival competition , promoted by the Science Museum of the University of Navarra -with the partnership of the Government of Navarra, Pamplona City Council, Laboral Kutxa and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) / Ministry of Science and Innovation-, which has as goal bring science to society and especially to young people.



