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Social Trends Institute offers four scholarships to study the Master's Degree at research in Social Sciences in 2017-2018.

Candidates commit to thesis of Master's Degree at programs of study on fashion, the cultural impact of globalization, family policies or care professions.

Image description
Students at Master's Degree during a session.
PHOTO: Natalia Rouzaut
20/03/17 14:55 Isabel Solana

Social Trends Institute offers four scholarships to attend the Master's Degree at research in Social Sciences (MICS) at the University of Navarra in 2017-2018. The amount covers the full cost of the enrollment.

To qualify for the grants, candidates must commit to write their thesis of Master's Degree on one of four topics: programs of study on fashion, the cultural impact of globalization, family policies or care professions. These are some of the issues that Social Trends Institute has addressed in its specialized meetings in recent years and in its subsequent publications.

Candidates should send to Social Trends Institute their curriculum, the form of application complete and a letter of reference. They should send the material to Tracey O'Donnell( by May 15. Resolution will take place on May 30.

Six itineraries of specialization

Accredited by the National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (Agencia Nacional de assessment de la Calidad and accreditation), the MICS is coordinated by the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) and counts with the direct partnership of the Schools of Communication, Law, Education and Psychology, Nursing, and Philosophy and Letters.

The program is offered as a gateway to entrance for students who wish to enter the interdisciplinary research in the social sciences. Its training program allows students to specialize in six tracks: Communication, Geodemography, Linguistics, Education and Psychology, Law and Nursing.

Students who complete the Master's Degree will be equipped with methodological tools and analytical skills that will enable them to carry out quantitative and qualitative programs of study of social and cultural reality, as well as to lead interdisciplinary work in a wide range of companies and public and private organizations.

About Social Trends Institute

Social Trends Institute (STI) is an international research center dedicated to the analysis of significant global social trends. To this end, it brings together the world's leading thinkers from different disciplines to study the forces driving social change.

Its results are disseminated to the media and through academic publications. Currently, the main areas of research of STI are Family, Bioethics, Culture and Lifestyles, Government and Civil Society.

Founded in New York City, STI also has a branch office in Barcelona, Spain. It is chaired by Dr. Carlos Cavallé.



