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The researcher of the ICS Fran Güell receives a financial aid Erasmus+ to promote a project Mental and reproductive health training for young women

The initiative, led by World Youth Alliance Europe and with six partner organisations, will develop training programmes and create a digital platform to facilitate access to information

20 | 03 | 2024

Fran Güell, researcher of the group 'Mind-brain' of the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra, has received a financial aid Erasmus+ to promote a project which seeks to train young women in mental health and reproductive health and rights in Europe. The initiative, which will run over 28 months, is led by the international organization World Youth Alliance Europe (WYAE) and has six other European partners.

"In Europe, we find ourselves with a society and young people who are very uninformed, and the perception they have about fertility treatments is wrong. For this reason, it is important to have training tools so that young women can learn about accessible treatments and their reproductive rights," says the researcher.

This work Follow in the wake of the project European H2020 B2-Inf: Be better informed about fertility , led by Dr Güell. The results of this work will serve as the basis for the research that will make it possible for the design of the methodology that will be implemented in the different training programs.

Among the main objectives of the project Erasmus+ is developing the capacities of 11 European organisations, as well as offering skills and tools to 50 young trainers on staff at WYAE in order to design and deliver training programmes in the field of mental health and women's reproductive health and rights. A training programme and methodology will also be designed to inform and educate young women, as well as a digital platform to promote access to information.

Another of its outstanding actions will be to give courses to 480 young European women, some of them with economic difficulties, migrants or from rural areas with more limited access to the information and services necessary to maintain their reproductive health and exercise their rights. Finally, recommendations will be drawn up and work will be done to raise awareness of women's health and rights in politics and the media, as well as among experts and society at large.

In the project, which will directly involve 700 participants, Güell will lead the research which will make it possible to design the methodology that will guide the training programs and select the contents of the platform.

To share good practices among researchers and international experts, the University of Navarra will host a workshop from May 28 to 30. In addition, the tools and resources developed during the project They will be accessible to NGOs working with different groups, such as young people, the unemployed, migrants or groups at risk of exclusion, as well as to European Union and educational institutions or public sector organisations.



