The School de Enfermería launches a new website of research
It involves a complete presentation of the research work carried out in the center to enhance the development of Nursing Science.
The School of Nursing has launched its new website research. It offers a complete presentation of the research work carried out in the academic center in order to promote the development of Nursing Science.
The new website is structured in three areas of research: Innovation for a person-centered care, Chronic processes and end-of-life care and Health Promotion. The general objectives of these areas are to promote the research in Nursing, to promote the creation of research teams that respond to the needs of today's society partner-health, promote the partnership with health centers and national and international research , and to train new researchers.
According to Cristina García-Vivar, vice-dean of research of the academic center, "the new website provides greater visibility and access to the research that we carry out, both nationally and internationally. This opens the door to new collaborations and multidisciplinary projects".