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30 physicists meet at the University of Navarra for the third meeting of the network Physics of non-equilibrium systems.

The congress addressed new tools for predicting the behavior of granular materials, from the subject of salt, wheat or nanoparticles.

21/05/10 14:00
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Participants in the meeting. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

More than 30 physicists from all over Spain gathered at the University of Navarra for the 3rd meeting of the network on Physics of non-equilibrium systems. The goal of the meeting was to deepen in the latest tools to predict the behavior of compounds formed by a large issue of particles -such as salt, wheat or nanoparticles in a fluid- that can act in a very similar way although at different scales.

The meeting, which closed today, has been organized by the group of Granular Media of the School of Sciences. It was also attended by professors from the Public University of Navarra, the Cemitec Technology Center, as well as other Spanish academic institutions and research .

Its experts showed various advances in the analysis of the behavior of these compounds and, in particular, the possible interactions that may exist between them with the goal to optimize the resources available to the laboratories.

The meeting of the network, financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, was structured in conferences focused on possible future developments of these technologies that, as explained by the professor of department of Physics and Applied Mathematics of the Academic center Diego Maza, "could be used to avoid traffic jams in wheat or salt silos, or traffic jams in a demonstration or even on a road".

Ultra high speed recordings

"In this sense," adds the physicist, "at the School of Sciences we have worked on the creation of advanced calculation software tools in many-particle systems, which would allow predicting the training of silo jams or the design of new structured materials such as glass, with different optical properties."

Also, the group of researchers from the University of Navarra has participated in the development of ultra high speed recordings, "with applications, for example, in the explosions that occur in grain storage sites, in order to know how and why these problems exist," concludes Diego Maza.



