"The U.S. commitment to the international order is going to be there, but it's not going to be the same as it was decades ago."
Carlota García Encina, researcher at the Real high school Elcano, gave a session at the North America Summit, organized by the School de Derecho.

FotoManuelCastells/Carlota García Encina, together with Professor Emili Blasco, during his speech at the University of Navarra.
23 | 03 | 2023
"The U.S. commitment to the international order will be there, but it will not be the same as it was decades ago". Thus concluded Carlota García Encina, senior researcher on the United States and Transatlantic Relations at the Real high school Elcano and professor at International Office, the second session of the North America Summit, organized by Degree of International Office of the School Law School of the University of Navarra.
Under the degree scroll, "Geopolitical changes and the US position: the indispensable nation?", Carlota García Encina explained to the students some keys to understanding US foreign policy since the end of the Cold War. Carlota García Encina spoke about the American Grand Strategy, President Obama 's foreign policy decisions, and Donald Trump's 'America First', which meant the breaking of the consensus with NATO and the EU; protectionism in front of the World Trade Organization, the exit from the WHO and from the Paris climate agreement . He also referred to the struggle in the international arena with China and the return to commitments with NATO, the European Union and the Indo-Pacific under the Biden administration.
"It's impossible to hit the rewind button and go back to situations in 2016 or 2018," he said. "U.S. policymakers have understood that the world has changed, with a new international order and the full impact of technological advances. They need to start fixing their own house and implement a foreign policy for the class average . A policy that Americans have been demanding for 20 years. In this sense, the US withdrawal from Afghanistan is one of the most transformative actions of this strategic shift in US foreign policy . It is the most important change since the end of the Cold War".
Carlota García Encina referred to the loss of resources and the cost of lives that its hegemony in the international order that emerged after the Cold War has meant for the United States. "There has been too much money, too many weapons.... They have been squeezing all their capabilities and US politicians have to address this problem of solvency".
So, will the US continue to be indispensable?" he asked at degree scroll of the session. "To a greater or lesser extent, with greater or lesser commitment, the US is always going to be there," García Encina concluded. In this regard, the researcher of the Real high school Elcano stated that the war in Ukraine had highlighted this US commitment to the international order. "The Western coalition has been able to respond and surprise Putin".