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network network wine?

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"network, network wine, stay close to me, don't let me be alone" is reminiscent of the great version of the song performed by the unforgettable Bob Marley. But, What would happen if that catchy tune about red wine were to become a memory of the past? The expert Johann Martinez-Lüscher of the University of Navarra has discovered that an increase in temperature and carbon dioxide could damage one of the most respected and traditional beverages: wine.. The heat and emissions of this gas could contribute to the ripening of the grapes and thus change two of the main attributes of Bacchus' favorite beverage: color and aroma.

For the time being, we can rest assured. However, who knows whether our celebrations could be affected in the future. "According to the results, if we look at the same grapes, with the same sugar accumulation, those that have been produced in a climate change scenario, show a poorer color and this could be transmitted to the wine," Martinez-Lüscher said. In fact, this phenomenon could lead to winemakers had to handle the grapes at higher alcohol levels to achieve the right coloration.

Although climate change is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century, it could perhaps also become one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. an opportunity for countries such as the United Kingdom, which has recently joined the wine market.. However, this would only be a collateral benefit in a global picture that appears more black than pink.

As Martínez-Lüscher added, "one of the answers to this challenge would be the use of new adaptation strategies or the selection of improved versions of current varieties. Perhaps, a possible solution would be to to change the varieties grown in each region and to produce others that are more suitable for warmer areas.However, this would mean giving up tradition and the typicality of the wines. The effects of climate change can be felt in our daily lives, and now also at our table, and perhaps in our songs. 



