The University and Deloitte promote the I Challenge in Digital Law to promote legal research in the technological field.
The competition has two modalities: for students in the last years of Degree courses and for law professionals and the registration period is already open.

25 | 02 | 2025
The Digital Regulation and Technology Observatory Deloitte-University of Navarra promotes the I edition of the Challenge in Digital Law with the aim of promoting legal research in the digital and technological field, is convened on a competitive basis. This first edition of the challenge has two modalities: one aimed at final year law students from any Spanish university; and another to which professionals and academics may apply.
"One of the main objectives of the Observatory of Digital Regulation and Technology is precisely to promote quality research and training in Digital Law among Degree students and also in the professional field. The competition will give rise to research works in different areas ranging from AI, crypto-assets or data Economics ," explains Eduardo Valpuesta, professor at the School of Law and director of the Observatory.
In the student modality , participants must solve a case study that will be notified at the time of registration, through this form.
The maximum length of the opinion is 20 pages. An award of 1.000€ and the discount of 20% of the enrollment fee of the Master's Degree in Digital Law of the University of Navarra + diploma has been established.
The registration period is open and will last until March 31. The final date for submit the report is April 20.
In the case of the modality aimed at professionals, Master's Degree students, doctoral students, professionals and academics may participate. They can submit their registration in the same formin which the summary of the research proposal in Digital Law will be attached, or by sending it directly to the following e-mail address:
Participants selected after sending the summary must prepare an unpublished academic work on the subject of digital law, with a length of 15-25 pages. Areas of particular interest are: artificial intelligence and robotics; digital markets and services; digitization of public administrations, capital companies and stock markets; digital infrastructures (Cloud computing, IoT, DLTs, etc.); data Economics ; taxation in the digital field or crypto-assets.
In this modality, an award of 1,000 euros and the publication of the work in a collective work is established. The registration period will be extended until March 15 and the selected works will be announced on March 21.
The instructions the I Challenge in Digital Law are available on the website of the Observatory of Digital Regulation and Technology.