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Videoconference with Texas in the Geographic Information Systems Expert Course

The city's first cartographer, David W. Allen, explained the tool Model Builder to the students of the program.

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David W. Allen
PHOTO: Courtesy
25/03/14 09:58 Laura Latorre

David W. Allen, first cartographer (1989) of the city of Texas and current director of GIS (Geographic Information System) of the city of Euless, Texas, shared a videoconference with the students of the Expert Course in Geographic Information Systems (CESIG), in which he explained the tool Model Builder and the advantages it offers.

In his speech, the author of the book "Getting to know for Model Builder", employee during the CESIG course, highlighted the importance of this ArcGis application that allows automating processes to improve efficiency, through the construction of models that may include one or several chained tools.

In turn, Model Builder provides advanced methods to extend the functionality of ArcGis, since it allows you to create and share models as tool, as well as manage and analyze information, create flows of work, document processes, etc.

Geoprocessing with Model Builder is used in sectors as diverse as renewable energies, environment, urban planning, management of water, cadastre, management of transport and electricity networks, geomarketing, etc.

Allen also explained the steps to design an analysis project including: its design, its preparation, the construction of the model and the validation of the results, and commented on the importance of the work prior to the creation of the model in Model Builder, which, if well done, greatly simplifies this task.

In this last step the GIS expert pointed out that if the results were not valid, the cause of the failure should be checked: data, process steps, etc. including adjusting the measure of success. Finally, once this is done, it would have to be corrected and tested again.



