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The Simulation Center of Education and Psychology is now up and running.

Students will be able to recreate environments to measure the change in body temperature when lying, practice the dynamics of group or interviews, or observe various behaviors.

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Thermographic camera of the Simulation Center. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
25/04/17 12:39 Nagore Gil

Measuring the change in body temperature when lying, practicing the dynamics of group, conducting different types of interviews or observing the behavior of children in a play corner are some of the practices that the students of the School of Education and Psychology will be able to carry out thanks to the Simulation Centre which has been launched by the University of Navarra.

In this way, students at Degree and postgraduate program will have the opportunity to enhance their academic training with extensive experience internship in a controlled and safe environment, and will be able to acquire specific skills for clinical psychology and educational intervention.

The center allows the realization of procedures in scenarios that recreate real situations and reinforces work in teams, self-directed learning and self-criticism. In addition, it offers opportunities for the acquisition of specific competencies in other areas such as human resources or the research of human behavior.

The space, which can be visited by means of a visit virtualis distributed in a conference room of control, a conference room of assessment with the possibility of recreating several scenarios, a conference room of mirror observation, a conference room of computers with specific programs, and a docimoteca, where psychological and educational tests are deposited, as well as some programs of psychological and pedagogical intervention that include non-book material.

The center also has a thermographic camera, which takes temperature as a psychological variable, and can be applied to lie detection, detection of basic emotions and feelings, mindfulness states, mental load, executive function or the thermal effect of the gaze. 

Innovation professor

The classroom de Simulación, located at Amigos Building, is one of the innovation spaces professor of the University of Navarra. "Increasing attention is being paid to the design of learning spaces and teaching, attending to the new trends that are emerging from the hand of innovation professor and technology available", explains Guillermo García del Barrio, director of Ordination of Campus.         

"Classrooms of the future are characterized among other things by being flexible and versatile spaces, designed to be able to accommodate different styles of teaching that, aligned as much as possible with curricular activities, encourage collaborative learning and self-criticism, in a controlled and safe environment," he adds. 



