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"Enzymes, inhibitors and drugs", protagonists of a special edition of El Club de la Ciencia.

This activity of the School de Ciencias seeks to reinforce the scientific training of its participants, students from high school diploma

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Participants in the workshop of Introduction of the School of Sciences.
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
25/06/13 08:53 Laura Latorre

"Enzymes, inhibitors and drugs" or, in other words, applications of Biochemistry to the search and development of new enzyme inhibitors for the treatment of different diseases, were addressed in a special edition of the Science Club. This activity, organized by the School of Sciences of the University of Navarra, has counted with the participation during the whole course of 50 students of the 2nd year of high school diploma from all over Navarra who, either in person or by distance learning, have seen their scientific training reinforced through theoretical and practical sessions. 

In the final session, the students carried out two practical exercises at laboratory: the first on the effect of pH on the properties of molecules, and the second related to methemoglobinemia, a disease characterized by the accumulation of oxidized hemoglobin in the blood. "These practices serve the student to apply to a practical case the concepts learned during the high school diploma", says Juan José Martínez Irujo, professor of Metabolism and its Regulation at the School.

The sessions have been recorded and are accessible to the students who have participated in the activity, through the Youtube channel of the School de Ciencias.

workshop introductory course for prospective students
On the other hand, about 40 prospective students participated in the introductory workshop to the Degrees of the School, where they had the opportunity to meet some of their classmates and course teachers.

Throughout the morning, the students attended different theoretical sessions on the Degrees of Chemistry, Biology and Biochemistry , and did practical work in the laboratory of Microbiology. They also visited the facilities of Sciences Building, research and research center Applied Medicine (CIMA).



