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The ICS participates in a laboratory for promote social innovation projects in Navarra, created by the Regional Government and in which the UPNA collaborates.

It will focus on aging, employment quality, dependency care, the fight against poverty, and family and children.

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The director of the I-COMMUNITAS Institute of the UPNA, Juan María Sánchez; the director general of the Observatory of Social Reality, Planning and assessment of Social Policies, Luis Campos; and the director scientific of the Institute for Culture and Society, Pablo Pérez.
PHOTO: Government of Navarra
25/10/19 13:47

The Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra participates in the laboratory Permanente de Innovación Social, created by the Government of Navarra and in which the Public University of Navarra (UPNA) also collaborates. Its main lines of work will be the aging of the population; employment of quality, active policies of employment and training; attention to dependency, and family and childhood.

development In addition, its work includes depopulation and territorial cohesion; the fight against poverty and social exclusion, with special emphasis on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and emerging social trends and new paradigms in the social sphere.

The laboratory has been presented at press conference on October 25, 2019. It has been attended by the director general of the Observatory of Social Reality, Planning and assessment of Social Policies, Luis Campos; the director of the Institute for Advanced Studies I-COMMUNITAS of the UPNA, Juan María Sánchez; and the director scientific Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra, Pablo Pérez.

The purpose of the initiative is to promote research groups in the academic field of the Autonomous Community of Navarre, entities and companies in the third sector, and for-profit companies. It will develop high impact projects in different social areas, with the aim of partnership with the different innovation poles that are being promoted from different areas of the Administration.

The interest of the partnership between the Government of Navarra and both institutes lies in the fact that they are two centers of research dedicated to promoting research and quality projects in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences. In addition, they have multidisciplinary teams with extensive experience and national and international prestige in the field of social research , and are committed to engage with society in the generation of knowledge and solutions to improve people's lives.

Social innovation

The backbone principles of laboratory are centered on the partnership of the Government, UPNA and the University of Navarra; facing the social challenges faced by Navarre society and which are specific to the activity developed by the department of Social Rights; promote the participation of all sectors and disciplines to connect the problems with the necessary knowledge and develop innovative solutions; and applying innovative and collaborative methodologies to respond to new social demands.

The main reasons for carrying out this project are focused on promoting the culture of social innovation in the third sector, in private companies and in the Administration; providing them with tools to overcome real social challenges through innovation and creativity; and creating spaces for partnership between the universities of Navarra and professionals from the third sector and the Administration.

press conference from presentation:



